Chapter 2 - No One To Hear You Scream

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"Five years later, the main Square of Florian City was filled to brim with people from all walks of life. They did this, just to hear the announcement of the great Prince Zemo's bride to be," Scott narrated.

The courtyard was to his word, full to the brim and packed with murmuring citizens. The sun hit the courtyard lazily, illuminating the square and large balcony near the castle. The crowd was full of different people, but a division between the people was clear. At the front, near a red carpet littered with white Rhododendron flowers stood people dressed in many colours with cloths of silk and chiffon. Towards the back, however, stood those in brown and blacks, with simple outfits. On the balcony of marble stood four figures, two who were watching the scene and another two that did not care. Prince Zemo stood, his brown hair pushed to the side in a proper manner, his brown eyes scanning over all his soon to be people. Behind him stood two figures watching him carefully, a woman with brown hair pulled tightly into a braided bun and a man with fair blonde hair, wrinkles kissing his cheeks. Beside Prince Zemo stood Count Barnes, watching with cold blue eyes. His left hand gloved and out of view from others. The two figures looked similar and both held an evil aura in their small smiles. Trumpets blasted as Zemo raised from his seat, the crowding cheering for him. Prince Zemo raised his hand, the murmuring crowd effectively silenced as he made his speech.

"My people... but a month from now, our country will have its 500th anniversary. On this day at sundown, I shall marry a lady who, like yours, was once a commoner with nothing to her name," He paused, watching the reaction of the crowd as the whispers started once again, filling every corner of the square.

"But now, you will not find her common. Would you like to meet my bride?" He asked, the crowding cheering and making sounds of affirmation. Prince Zemo smirks and signals to a figure by the red carpet. You felt scared, you could hear the muttering of the crowd. Your steps were shaky, the heeled shoes that desperatly wanted to fly off your feet also did not help. Your long (f/c) dress threatened to catch on your heels, and you were afraid your face was flushed a deep red from embarrassment. You heard a few gasps as you made it towards the archway that stood in the way of you the public. They had caught sight of you, there was no going back not. You felt the warmth of the light hit your face and finally illuminate your figure.

"My people... the princess (Y/N)!" Zemo exclaimed, the people watching you intently. In an instant, the crowd was on their knees, heads bent as you walked down the carpet. You felt tears well in your eyes, honored they thought so highly of you. But as your (E/C) eyes flowed over the crowd, you saw one woman towards the back refuse to kneel. Her hair was greyed and frazzled, looking as if it hadn't been brushed in years. Her crooked finger pointed at you, accusing you of something you didn't know yet.

"BOO!" She screamed in your face, not relenting in her finger pointing.

"Boo! Fake queen, you think you are worthy of this! You bully those you love! BOO!" You yelled at you, the crowd starting to watch your interaction with her. Fear took over your body, you froze in your spot, scared and unsure of how to respond.

"You cannot save those you love! BOO! BOO!" She heckled, scaring you.

You suddenly shot up, your hands clutching at the silk sheets that lay pooling around your body. Your hand flew to your chest, holding it over your rapidly beating heart as you drew in deep breaths. You quietly shed a few tears, for no one was there to comfort you, hold you and tell you everything was fine like Steve used to.

"(Y/N)'s emptiness consumed her. Although the laws of Florian allowed Zemo the right to choose his bride, she did not love him. She suspected he only chose her because of her beauty, and that she would be an accessory for him. But despite this, Zemo constantly tried to reassure her that it wasn't true and that with time she would grow to love him. She feared she did not, and only found joy in her daily ride," Scott's voice was low when he said this as if trying to tell Cassie that nothing good would come from the marriage between (Y/N) and Zemo.

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