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Lance sniffled as Keith had left him in the room as he went to go find a rag to put some cold water on it for him. He stared up at the ceiling thinking. "Keith's in my house, in my room, aiding me when i'm sick".  He felt a sinister grin arise on his face as he thought of Keith nursing him back to health. The pure innocent fantasy of a gentle Keith vanished when the door swung open and Keith walked in tiredly.

"Here," he said handing the cloth to Lance who just looked at it. Lance blinked slowly before looking up at Keith.

"You're going to make a sick man put a cloth on his head," he said with pretend sadness in his tone. His puppy eyes grew wider as he stared deep into Keith's soul. It seemed to catch him off guard.

"F-fine!" He huffed as he plopped the cloth onto Lances head unfolding it and sliding it across the entirety of his forehead. Lance made a whimper despite the contact feeling nice, he enjoyed toying with the mullet head. Keith looked at him with concerned eyes.

Keith bent down and untied the white plastic bag he had brought with him and pulled out a dull grey coloured bottle. He popped open the cap and grabbed a small plastic cup from the bag as well, pouring the dim pink coloured mixture into it. 

"What's that?" Lance looked at the concoction daringly. Keith retied the cap onto the bottle and leaned over to Lance, closely. He stared straight at him, their faces inches apart.

"Do you like bubblegum flavored products?" Keith asked calmly. 

"EW never in a million years will I drink or eat anything bubblegum flavored, that's maybe the worst flavor of all time! Besides cherry flavor of course!" he made a puking noise as he stuck his tongue out. Keith only gave a smirk before grabbing Lance's chin with force, tilting his head back and pouring the medicine down his throat.

Lance could taste the bitterness of the dreaded bubblegum flavor. It didn't help that it also gave off the nostalgia of a dentist office. He chocked up a few droplets but most had made its way down successfully.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Lance exclaimed which only made Keith clench his stomach and laugh. "DID YOU PICK THAT FLAVOR JUST BECAUSE YOU KNEW I WOULD HATE IT DIDN'T YOU?" Lance looked around for anything to make the horrible taste fade away.

Keith put his hand on Lance's head gently, picking up a water bottle that sat next to him. He cracked it open and went to hand it to Lance before stopping.

"Does Lance need help drinking his water too?" Keith smirked at the ever so blushing Lance.

"Give me the damn bottle mullet," he said with a playful yet frustrated tone.

Keith only hummed taking a sip of his own from the bottle and looking at Lance, a evil aura coming from him.

"Keith Kogane, you give me that damn drink right now or I will fight you," he said before coughing.

"Oh really can little old Lance still fight when hes as sick as a dog," he said with a small wink. He didn't know why he was even this confident, the thought of Lance flustered just made him want to continue. 

Before Keith could calmly give him the water, he felt his body glide as if it had just been picked up. He closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. "When did the dresser turn upside down?" He thought before the cold realization hit him.


He heard snickering as he wiggled his body side to side. 

"Lance put me down right now," he said his frustration growing larger.

"This is punishment for not giving me the water bottle," Lance giggled lightly.

Lance couldn't contain his giggles any longer as he watched Keith struggle, he kept a tight grip on his ankles, refusing to let go. Keith swayed back and forth before heaving out strongly and pushed up, throwing Lance backwards with his hands that dangled. 

Loud Mouth, Soft Smile (Klance/Voltron)Where stories live. Discover now