21. Apologies

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Three days. It had been three days since Kevin left me in the restaurant saying he would talk to me later. He didn't call or text that day so I decided that I would let him have his space so that he could think about it. I became restless when the same thing happened the day after so I texted him this morning but he never read my texts.

What hurt was that I could see that he was online which meant that he had just chosen not to read them. I tried to call him after convincing myself that he probably just didn't see my texts... I know... I know... I was in denial but he didn't pick up and when I tried to call again I went straight to voicemail.

I was in a sour and depressed mood the whole day. I went straight to my room after lectures and curled up on my bed staring at my phone. Hannah wouldn't have any of that so she dragged me downstairs where her and Anne were watching Bob's burgers... at least it wasn't Archer.

I tried to concentrate on the TV but my eyes kept drifting back to the phone.

"Are you seriously going to spend the whole night staring at your phone?" Hannah complained

"It's been three days and he is still ignoring me"

I don't think I had ever gone this long without talking to him and it was driving me crazy. A lot of thoughts and questions went through my mind in these three days like had he forgotten about me? Had he already decided to break up with me? Had he already moved on? These were all questions I didn't have the answers to

"Look I'm sure he just hasn't seen your texts yet" Hannah consoled

"He was online"

Anne looked like she was thinking and her eyes widened "Maybe there were like too many people texting him so your name was like at the bottom. You should try calling"

"I did"


"He didn't pick up"

"You should have tried again"

"I did"


"I went straight to voicemail"

She shook her head and tsked "He is definitely ignoring you"

Hannah hit her arm and Anne gave her a death glare before turning back to the TV.

"Look why don't you just go over and talk to him?"

Hannah had a point but what if he didn't want to see me? What would happen then?

"Don't over think it just go over there and explain what happened. He is probably making up different scenarios in his head as we speak which is probably making things worse. All he knows is that his girlfriend says she went out and someone kissed her"

I looked at the clock and it was almost eight. He was most likely home by now so without giving myself time to talk myself out of it I rushed upstairs and changed. I said bye to Anne and Hannah then rushed out the door but not before Anne yelled something about makeup sex

She told me I could borrow her car but I decided to take the bus instead. Going with a car would just make it easier for him to kick me out at least, I hoped he would think through telling me leave at night.

Honestly, it felt like the shortest bus ride in history. I walked over to his apartment building and took the elevator up to his apartment. I don't know how long I stood in front of his door moving back and forth contemplating on whether to knock or not. After much deliberation I decided to knock but I had to knock again when all I got was silence.

I held my breath as I heard the shuffling of feet on the other side. The door knob twisted before the door opened and baby blue eyes met mine. My breath caught in my chest at the sight of him. For a moment he actually looked like he was shocked to see me but then a frown was etched on his handsome face.

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