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You are confined only by the walls you built yourself.


Third person pov

The child runs her way back home with a face she's never shone , determination . Knowing that her friend will tell the villagers about her chat she decides to leave before they can do anything to stop her . She reaches her room and grabs a space bag that was a gift from her uncle when turning 10 . It allowed her to put many big items in a small bag because it was in a different space . She pulled out a box from her vanity , inside where her most prized possessions . The box contained some unique gadget teaching and mechanics she had yet to learn . She placed the book inside her bag along with her notebook containing all of the medicines she had learned . She was only a 11 year old child so she had to have things that would give her a better chance at surviving.

After packing her essentials including clothes , medicines , and some mechanical spares , she made her way to her living room . Their on her shelf was the most prized possession of her family , the legendary moon sword that was wielded by the first chisaki hikari . She had a need or urge to take the sword with her . She didn't care if the chisaki forbid her to come back , she needed that sword with her . She grabbed the sword and it sheathe carefully and placed it at her side . It was midnight so nobody would be outside giving her the opportunity to make one last trip before her leave .

She grabbed a hair tie and puts her short hair in a bun letting her see clearly without hair in her face , little baby hairs fall out of the bun making it look messy . She makes her way out of her house looking back at the home she lived in all her life . She made sure to leave a note to her parents . She was grateful to them even if they weren't there for her . She loved the little island but just felt left out , she didn't want to continue a life that she would not be happy in .
She wanted to know how it felt to be free . How the wind felt hitting her face and how many knew people she could meet .

She began heading towards the place she had been visiting recently , the pond .as she got there as usual the goddess was there . It was calm and the breeze from the ocean was actually making its way into the island . Mitsuki breathed in the fresh air and began walking towards her friend . As she got their she did the unexpected. She kneeled putting her forehead on the ground . Her frail body was covered in clothes and the sword beside her made the goddess realize what was going on .

" goddess , before I leave I wanted to come thank you . Even if you see me as just a mere human , I saw you as a friend these past days . You have made me realize the meaning of my life and I have to thank you for it . You have given me the chance to look up to someone . All my years living in this island I never had someone I could talk to the way I talk to you , I was left out the black sheep of the village you can say . I was living a life without emotions and I was a walking machine listening to what others told me without hesitation until I met you . I can finally do things out of my will and I am so grateful to you ! " as the child talked you could hear the emotion in her voice . She was crying tears of happiness fir the first time in her life , she had never been the type of person to cry over anything but today she had let her feeling cloud her and it felt refreshing . " you will forever be the person I look up to most ! And even if I leave today , I will always remember you and you will be in my frail human heart . I hope that you may remember me too . " the child had tears falling onto the ground as she was still kneeling to the goody being . The goddess has let a smile escape for the first time in Centuries . She haven't met anyone as pure and honest as mitsuki in her life , even if she didn't show much emotion she was happy the child had found the right path for her . " look up to me child " her voice was as soft as a pedal on a flower . The child did as told and wiped her face cleaning her watery eyes .

" I am grateful that you can look up to me in that way . I will remember you because you kept me company in this small place I call home . I am glad you were able to find the courage in you at such a young age and making up your mind about leaving  ." The moon goddess smiled at the small child before her knowing she had a bright future . " since you are leaving I will give you a gift . Come ."

Mitsuki got up cleaning her knees and made her way in front of the goddess she called friend . She noticed the smile on moon and she couldn't help but feel content and grateful to have met her . The goddess picked up her slender finger bringing it to the petite girls arm . Mitsuki was surprised at how a god would touch her ,and couldn't help being nervous . The god touched Mitsuki dark and as she did around her small arm appears a unique tattoo . The cycle of the moon in yellow was now around her arm . All Mitsuki could think is what's going on, she had never seen such markings on anyone's body . Would it be permanent ??

" may I ask . What do these markings represent ?" Mitsuki asks as she stares at her new mark in awe . The god retracts her finger and look at the prodigious child in front of her .
" you will have to find out in your journey to the outside world . You must take care there are many dangers ." The god stops and stares at the child never had she had admiration for a human , even if the human was just child she knew for a fact that Mitsuki was to become someone big in the future . " follow the river upstream and you will find a small boat . The sea is filled with fearsome creatures so you must not draw attention to yourself . " the moon goddess gave her warning to Mitsuki letting her start her amazing journey ahead .
" farewell goddess of the moon ! One day I will see you again !" Mistuki Yells as she starts running upstream . " goodbye ...." moon whispers as she stares at  Mitsuki run up steam towards her destiny .

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