grateful thoughts 83

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we have the same nature in life,
because we are totally the same,
spearing yourself with a knife?,
or liking to die with a drowning shame?

yes you are,
but not literally,
often abused,
but not intentionally,
but seriously intentionally,
you have the right to talk,
your'e special my dear,
you have the power to express your self,
no one have the right to torture you,
nor stuck you onto humiliation and slavery,
you have the power and the body to make defenses,
be smart my dear,
be strong,
clean up,
cheer up,
be grateful,

be blessed,
show them what you've got my little one!
be gentle,
handle your words with care,
not the bottles in your surroundings,
be patient,
be kind,
you have a heart,
you have your own mind,
check those remarkable thoughts you have,
express them all!,
be professional my dearest,
try to express your own imagination,
be an artist,
express love,
illusionist with love,
extract the latent truth,
be gentle my dear,
be grateful.

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