- Chapter Four -

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It had been five years since the incident with my mother. We were questioned by the authorities but they never could link anything to Bastion or myself. In fact they never even suspected us in the slightest. Her death was very quickly ruled as an accident just as Bastion had planned.

And in the past five years I had been permitted to perform more rituals with Bastion but he was still yet to allow me to use a soul for myself. Part of me was glad that I was still living a normal life but the other part of me was curious to what it was like. He told me that one day he will give me my chance but whenever he says this I see something in his eyes. Something that tells me he's lying and maybe a bit of greed but I never questioned him, blinded by my loyalty to him.

Soon it was the start of spring. The early morning air was clear and crisp and a refreshing breeze flowed through the quiet streets. Bastion was once again gathering materials while I waited outside holding the purchases he had already made. I idly glanced around at the few people half listening to the hushed conversations. Suddenly, breaking me out of my stupor was the most beautiful laugh I had heard before. I straightened my posture and looked around for the source of the voice. My eyes then fell on such a magnificent sight. A young woman with fair skin and the brightest blue eyes. The sun shone through her almost white hair making it glow like she was an angel. Our eyes met and she gave me the most charming and at the same time, shy smile. I felt drawn to her but just as I began to lift my foot to walk over to her Bastion had clapped me on my shoulder and piled his newest purchases into my arms.

"One more stop Rogan" he said to me as he walked off towards our next destination. I sighed having no choice but to follow him. I glanced back to where my mystery girl was but she was no longer there. I turned back and hung my head, disappointed that I most likely wold never get the chance to met her.

* * * * *

A couple of weeks had passed; Bastion and I were having lunch with some of his acquaintances. I sat quietly, completely unaware of their conversations. My mind had been on one thing lately and that was the woman I saw. My obsession was apparently becoming worse when it seemed my eyes were playing tricks on me. Passing by the window I could have sworn I saw my angel. Absentmindedly, I stood up from my seat and walked outside, ignoring the questions of "what are you doing, where are you going" from Bastion. I looked in the direction she went and caught a glimpse of her platinum hair through the crowd.

I started walking towards her, picking up my pace with each step. I was determined not to lose sight of her. Behind me I could hear Bastion calling out to me but I couldn't care less; I was mere steps away from the woman of my dreams. Suddenly something dropped from the woman's arms and she came to a halt. To late to realise and too late to stop myself, I crashed into her. We both fell to the ground in a tangled mess.

'That's one hell of a way to meet her Rogan, she's going to despise you now' I thought to myself. I was incredibly embarrassed and at a loss for what to do. So I just started apologising profusely.

"I am SO sorry miss. I-I cannot apologise enough. I beg your forgiveness!" This was so unlike me. I was a nervous wreck. I was ready for a tongue lashing of a lifetime but I was in absolute shock when I heard laughter. Her sweet laugh rang out as I sat there confused.

"Well this is certainly one way to capture someones attention" she chuckled. "Now if you don't mind, I would very much like to get up now."

I scrambled to me feet and then held out my hand to help her up. I felt what must of looked like such a ridiculous looking grin creep onto my face as she place her soft, delicate hand in mine. Once she was steadily on her feet again I began to pick up the items I had caused her to drop.

"Thank you. I am not the most coordinated person" she said to me as I handed her things back to her.

"No, it was entirely my fault. I was careless and collided into you. I am really, truly, sorry." I felt like an idiot, stammering my words in front of her. I glanced over her shoulder and noticed Bastion looking on. He seemed to realise what was happening and with a hearty laugh he headed back inside to his lunch guests.

"Do you like apologising? You do it an awful lot. I'm fine and there was no harm done" the sweet smile never left her face. In that one smile I could tell she was the most genuine and kindest person I had met. I didn't want to part ways so I took in a deep breath and asked,

"May I walk you home miss?"

"No." she replied quickly and straight-faced. But she couldn't keep it up and broke out into a smile once again.

"Well not until you tell me your name. After all, I wouldn't want to walk home with just any old strange person."

I stood there speechless, in shock at the fact that even after everything she still would allow me to walk with her. She cocked her head to the side raising an eyebrow, waiting for me answer.

"Uh, sorry. I am Rogan. Rogan Barton." I could kick myself for being so nervous. This was certainly not me. Quiet and reserved, sure but never nervous.

"Well it is lovely to meet you Mister Barton. I am Eleanora Miller and I would very much like it if you would escort me home."

For a while we walked in a comfortable silence. The whole time she had a smile on her face and sometimes she would hum a quiet tune to herself. I'm not sure she even knew she was doing it. I tried a few times to speak with her but to no avail. No words would come out. Before long Eleanora stopped in front of a charming home that had flowers growing out boxes on the windows. It didn't even take a second for me to know that this was her house. It fit her perfectly. But also at the sight of this house my eyes dropped to the ground and my head hung. I didn't want to part from her just yet but I knew we had to. As if sensing my feelings, Eleanora spoke up,

"There is a park just down the street from here. I like to go there in the early mornings before it becomes crowded and just enjoy a peaceful stroll amongst the gardens. If by chance you happened to be walking through those gardens too, I wouldn't mind if you joined me." She gave me a radiant smile which I returned when it hit me that she was inviting me to see her again.

I watched as she turned and walked inside her home. She flashed one last smile at me before she closed the door. I stood outside for a couple of minutes smiling away before I took my leave and headed back to the manor. 

It was almost dark when I reached home. I saw Bastion leaning against the door frame of the manor's entrance, waiting for me. When I got to the door, Bastion playfully slapped me on the back and laughed as he ushered me inside.

"So I take it you had a good afternoon" he joked as I was heading upstairs to me room. I looked back at him and smiled. I was the happiest I had been in a very long time and Eleanora was the reason.

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