02 'what happened to Annie'

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Lauren Orlando



I've been staying with Johnny I've had the best time I've had in the past 5 years.

Johnny told me that Annie lived a few blocks away and if I wanted to go see her I should.



I got changed into a long hoodie and some black leggings.

I skipped a few blocks down the road.

I knocked lightly on the door.

"Does Annie Leblanc live here?" I asked.

"It's Lauren Orlando"

The door swung open and a girl with light brunette hair wrapped me in a tight hug, it was Annie, and just as i'd pictured her to be like after all these years.

"Annie, I've missed you so much!" I let a tear stroll down my cheek.

"I've missed you to, is Hayden with you, by any chance?" She asked.

"No he's not but I'm going looking for him tomorrow, with Johnny, if you want to join me?" I stated.

"I'd love to!" She replied.

"Now, do tell me what you've been doing for the last 5 years!" I questioned.

"Well after I left cherry lake, Hayden and I moved here, he lived opposite, seen as we where never a proper couple, we just had benefits, then he got a girlfriend and they got serious, and they moved into a family home together, she had two sons and was at least 20 years older then him, he was also the only one who kept in contact with Mackenzie, my heart shattered after he left and I couldn't bare face anyone from cherry lake without the constant reminder of Hayden and how easy life was" Annie explained.

I hugged Annie in sympathy.

"Do you have a number?" I asked.

"Yes, but I bet you he changed it" she replied.

She gave me the number and I rang up the phone company.


I greeted the person on the other side of the phone.

"I'm Annie Leblanc, my husband has changed his number, and forgotten to give me his new one, his name is Hayden Summerall, he's currently at work and I don't want to disturb him, other wise I'd go there and ask him for it" I explained to the man.

The man believed me and sent me Hayden's new number.

"Thanks for your help, goodbye"

I put the phone down.

"Got it" I stated.

A smile spread over Annie's face.

I dialled the number.

"Hello, Hayden, it's Lauren Orlando, from Cherry lake" I greeted him.

His voice was deeper but I could still remember the way he talked.

"Johnny and I would love to meet up with you and just you tomorrow at, Saint Constance Park, we are bringing a friend, no denying, we need to catch up" I explained to Hayden.

He also bought it and we where booked to meet Hayden tomorrow.

~H U N S L E Y~
Happy Easter!!!

What happened to the Cool Kids ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें