Chapter 1

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A/N: her outfit is above except the necklace. Enjoy.


Adaria pov:
My ears twitch at the sound of footsteps, the first movement in a year. They get closer until they stop. Whoever they are is scared, I can hear their erratic heartbeat. A buzz sounds throughout the floor.
They start walking again and this time I can hear that it isn't only one but seven footsteps getting closer. A light starts to fill the area outside my cell, slowly getting larger and brighter. The agents stop in front of my door.
Hmm, this is new. I stay still as they open my door. The agents argue in a hushed tone before one is shoved in with the keys to my chains. I stay still as the shaking man goes to the wall, never moving as he unlocks the multiple rune covered chains from the wall and picks them up. When he has all the chains the other six come in and grab two chains each. Only now do I stand making them all go tense. I smirk at the reaction, cowards. They yank me forward and we start our walk out of the cell I've been in for the past year or so.
I wonder where we are headed until we step into the elevator and an agent presses floor 13. Ahh, we're going to see that pirate that leads this place. The elevator dings and we get off. They keep a strong grip on my chains as we head for the door at the end of the passage. All of their heartbeats are fast and uneven. They're terrified of me, I take pride in this. We stop in front of the door that'll give me my answers. A rune covered muzzle is put over my nose and mouth but I can still breathe. I'm surprised when one of them speak up.
"If you try to speak you will get 900 bolts shocked through you," he says to me before he opens the door.
We walk in and I first see the avengers. Well, this just got interesting. They all turn and see me. The looks on all their faces is priceless. They range from shock to speechless, confused to outrage. My guards drag me to the front of the room where Nick Fury stands with his usual blank face. I stop there and that is when all chaos breaks loose.
"You can't be serious! HER! What the hell is going through your brain Fury!" Natasha shouts, flipping her chair over as she stands abruptly. Bruce stays seated but you can see that he is battling his anger.
Clint is as red as a steam engine as he glares at me. You could practically see the steam coming from his ears. "Fury, we can't trust her without her fucking chains! Forget about our lives!" He states angrily.
Fury glares at both of them and says, "I'm very well aware of this, Barton. I have thought this through. There will be measures taken into consideration."
Tony looks around confused. "Who else is completely clueless on who she is?" Thor and Steve both nods their heads at this.
"Fury, I must ask. Who is she?" Thor asks. I turn to Fury, waiting his answer with a raised brow.
He looks at me and says, "Don't do anything and I'll unlock you." My eyes widen and I bob my head 'yes'.

He takes out the skull keys and unlocks me and he takes off my muzzle

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He takes out the skull keys and unlocks me and he takes off my muzzle. Before I can even use my magic, he slaps on the metal bands that block my abilities. I huff but grin mischievously at him and nod in thanks. Inside I'm fuming at his magic nullifier bands. I turn to Thor and smirk. "I'm Adaria Morningstar, Goddess of chaos and insanity. I know who you all are, no need to tell me." I purr before turning back to Fury. "Now why did you bring me here, Nicky." he opens his mouth to explain but gets interrupted by none other than Tony Stark.
"You are going to redeem yourself, darling," he says with a smirk on his face. Oh hell. What did Fury get me into.

Mischief's she-devil (a Loki love story) DISCONTINUEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora