day three

28 1 0

Dear person,

I havent written something in a while.. i missed it

The past days were good not perfect but fine

I felt different.. people started to hate me at the begining and i hated me too ..

I just couldnt make anything right? Am full of mistakes ! And everyone expect me to be perfect .


Well i abought all that to me.

i shouldnt care !

But i always do

I shouldnt trust !

But i do..

But we are a population of imperfect people ? How do they expect me to be perfect..

I cant people !

Am a mistake nobody wants this..

But then i met her .. she doesnt relize it but she's the bestest thing that happen my best friend my soul mate..

I just told her these words i told her how greatful i am ..

We never met but she was the one that saved me

From who?


She stood by me and i cant be more greatful.. i love her to death.. and greatful too

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