"Want another one?"

"Only reason I'm here babe." Hoseok's mouth dropped and Yoongi winked.

Hoseok looked away clearing his throat before going back to the kitchen. After a few moments he returned with a mini cooler and the tray of skewers.

"LAMB SKEWERS! WOOHOOO!!" Yoongi cheered in his head as Hoseok set the meat if front of him while on the outside he acted like he didn't care. Hoseok chuckle a little before realizing something.

"Hey...how come I can hear your thoughts now? Before I couldn't unless you said something." Hoseok placed the cooler on the floor.

"I blocked you out." Yoongi looked up nibbling on the meat juice slowly dripping down chin.

"Oh hold on. You have something-." Trailing off Hoseok wiped the juice along with a small piece of lamb with his thumb placing  it in his mouth.

Before Yoongi could react continue with his questions.

"So you can control it?" The older nodded his heart pounding in his chest from the other's action.

"That was kinda hot." Yoongi thought without realizing he hadn't blocked Hoseok out. Hoseok smirked to himself.

"You know I can still hear you right? And if you thought That was hot I can show you something else." Yoongi choked on his food coughing he quickly grabbed a beer and chugged it down while Hoseok patted his back.

"Sorry! sorry!..it was a joke."

Yoongi set the can on the table gasping for air his face tented red as Hoseok hands smoothly gliding over his back.

"I-im okay."

" You sure?" The older nodded trying to catch him breath. After a few moments he redeemed himself this time not forgetting to close off his mind.

"So how did you do it?" Hoseok finally asked making sure the other was okay.

"Do what?"

"You know..control what you hear." Yoongi thought for a bit "It's more about inner peace in less on concentration....if that makes sense."

The younger nodded not really understanding.

"Technically I didn't have to do much since I'm classified as an empath."

"Oh like you can feel what other people are feeling around you."

"Yeah but....mines a little different I can only feel through contact...like if I touch someone or vice versa." Hoseok rubbed his head in frustration  letting out a groan.

"I wish I could control...whatever it have or more like it was gone all together." Yoongi turned his body so that he was facing the younger.

"I thought that way sometimes too. But you come to terms with not being normal but instead special."

" I don't feel special... I get these painful spasms and a bunch of thoughts  flood my brain it feels like my head is going to explode."

"I know...I had to put you to sleep or you would've destroyed that building."

"Building..? What building?" " On campus..."

Yoongi stopped and looked at the younger's confused expression.

"You...you don't know what happens around you when you get those spasms?" Hoseok nervously shook his head.

"You create something like an earthquake but above ground." Hoseok tried to process everything but couldn't really grasp it.

"Hold on." Saying that he rocketed upstairs to fine the signature skull shaped bottle. Grabbing it he returned to the couch. Taking the lead off he brought the jug to his lips.

He'd only taken a drop when it was snatched away from him.

"Don't drink that."

"Yah. Give it back!" Yoongi got up and ran around the table to the kitchen Hoseok chasing after him.

"No no no...Wait a minute. " Hoseok froze in the doorway a Yoongi held the bottle over the sink his hands stretched out.


"Another step and it's bye Absinthe."

"l need that it helps me"

"No...it kills you."

"I'm under a lot of stress when the voices attack me that makes them go away. I just want them to stop."

"You want to  control it...?"

"I already told you I cant!" Hoseok fell to his knees. Yoongi set the jug on the counter and walked over to him kneeling down he held out his hand. The younger stared at it then into his eyes.

"I'll help you."

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora