Chapter 1

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I walk into the guild. It's now been a week since the Games. I feel so ashamed. I walk over to Natsu.
"Hey Natsu." He ignores me. "I see you're still ignoring me."
Then I walk over to Gray.
"Hey Gray." He does the same as Natsu. I just walk away. Then, I try Erza.
"Erza?" Nothing. It's been like this since the Games ended.
I walk over to an empty table in a corner, away from everyone else. I sit there alone for about an hour.
"Lucy?" I look up and see Juvia.
"Can you move to a different table? This is our usual spot." I look behind her and find Natsu, Erza, and Gray.
"Yeah, sure." I stand up and rush to the doors, tears threatening to spill any second now. I get outside and run home. I enter my house and lay down on my bed.
"Why me? I'm not the only one who lost! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!"
I fall asleep.
Then I wake up and shower the next day. I summon Virgo and have her bring all of my things to the Spirit World. Then, I walk back to the guild. Just as I expected, nobody notices me. I walk up to Mira.
"Hey Mira. Is master here?"
"Yep!" At least someone was nice to me. I walk to Master's office and knock on the door.
"Come in!" I open the door and walk in. "Aw! Lucy, my child! How may I help you."
"Master, please forgive me. But I wish to quit Fairy Tail." I say as I hang my head.
"But why Lucy? Why?"
"Because everybody is ignoring me and treating me poorly. They have since the Games. I just can't take it anymore. I don't have anyone else to turn to! Please Master! Let me leave!"
I'm now in tears and I fall to my knees.
"Please Master. Please."
"Will you ever come back?"
"I don't think so. Once I'm gone, I'm gone."
"Okay. Let me see your hand."
I hand him my hand. He says a few words and my hand is now bare and empty as my heart.
"Thank you Master! I'll miss you!"
"I'll miss you too!"
"Please don't tell anyone else. It's not like they would care anyways."
"Sure Lucy. I wish you good luck!" and with that said and done, I walk back out the where everybody else is. I mentally say goodbye to everyone. I stare at Natsu for a few seconds. I guess I'll never be able to tell him how I truly felt. I pull out a letter I had written for him. I place it in a plant pot, knowing it would take some time for them to find it. I turn my back and walk through the doors. I walk to the train station and buy a one way ticket to Hargeon.
"Goodbye Fairy Tail!" I say as I'm boarding the train. I take a seat and wait for the train to leave.

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