Day 3/30

6 1 1

°~.A book you love.~°

Holes.If you've heard/read...I love you...the story is just so...FJDJVJJJJFDIDIIGFWIEFKCTNHYSWVBHBVCRGHUNBUYDBNUYVCVYUNHUDRTBNIUBVFREAWVBUNUXSERBNIBVYTRDYUNMIUVCDRDCUINSRTBNIJCXSEVBHYVXSDXYUMNIUDSAEVUNIUVREDCINJHCXREVBNJHCDRNNJTVSWRBURSEYGNJRDXEVGNREDXEYMINJRCXBUNUFCT...You know?The little parts where it goes back to how Stanley's Great-great-no-good-pig-stealing-great-grandfather got the name.And how when your heart breaks when Zero gets dehydrated and starts throwing heart broke...

If you've read the book, leave in the comments which character you like best! .~Skelly~.

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