Chapter 16

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– Kiss a stranger.√

– Hollywood movie kiss.

– Get a tattoo. √

– Swim naked under the moon.√

– Do something I'm afraid of.

– Swim with dolphins.

– Fly in a hot air balloon. √

– Shower in a waterfall.

– Scuba dive.

– Sail on the Themes.√

– Go to a strip club.

– Catch a fish.

– Learn how to play an instrument.

– Join the mile high club.

– Graffitti on a wall. √

– Sell a painting.

Chapter 16

40 Minutes later and I was out of the tube. Not many seconds after my phone got signal again, did it go crazy. I had eight missed calls from Jayden, and a few messages as well.

I called him straight back, and he answered on the second ring. "Where are you?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth. He sounded almost panicked.

"Uhm almost at my parents house." I frowned, why did he care?

"You can't just leave like that. And then turn your phone off. I have been looking all over for you." He exclaimed, sounding angry.

"I was in the tube, no connection. Plus you asked me to leave yourself. And I can take care of myself." I pointed out. He had no right to treat me like a kid, or someone he was responsible for.

"Go away from screaming girls yes, not leave the area. Why didn't you wait for me?" He asked, sounding a bit calmer now.

"Well I had to head towards my parents' house soon anyway, and you seemed busy." I had stopped walking at his point. I was getting closer to my parents house, and I didn't want to arrived, talking on the phone, and having to explain to my mum. 

"When I saw you grabbing your bag and leave, I thought you were just going for a coffee or something. If I had known you were leaving, I would have escaped earlier so I could have said goodbye to you." He said in a low voice, and I couldn't help but smile as his accent came out. I looked down at my lap and cursed.

"I'm still wearing your T-shirt, sorry." I had completely forgotten I was still wearing it.

"You keep it. I never used it, plus it looks better on you anyway." I could almost hear him smile, as he said that.

"Thanks." I would have to take it off though, I didn't want to have to explain the T-shirt, with paint on, to my mum.

"So there was actually something I wanted to talk with you about." Jayden said after a few seconds of silence. "You sounded like you would enjoy that charity thing I had to go to, on Sunday. So I was wondering if you wanted to go with me and the guys? It would be nice with some company." He asked in pretty much one breath.

"That sounds amazing. I would love to." I grinned. Just being able to look at all the stuff would be amazing.

"Great! Uhm would you maybe, be able to get Monday off from work? It's up north, and we've got rooms in the castle. I'll arrange a room for you as well. I really think you would like it. It's beautiful up there. And there's a lake close by. They have old art all over the place, and the food there is amazing." He tried to persuade me. He apparently knew me well enough, to know, that I didn't like taking time off from work. 

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