He has one bad habit.. he steals bacon

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay ? How bad is it ? Do I need to call an ambulance ?" He is beside me in a flash, gently pulling my wounded finger from my mouth, examining it.

"No no, relax Zac, it's just a small nick". It really is just a little cut, I have done it plenty of times before. Zac swallows hard, staring at my finger. "Zac are you okay ?"

"Uhh.. no actually I don't really do well with blood.. why is there so much blood if it is just a small cut ?" He starts to look a tad green.

I quickly wind some paper around the finger, getting him to sit down on the chair again, getting him a glass of water. "Fingers always bleed a lot. Just sit here okay, I'll take care of the cut".

At the sink I wash the cut and then put on a small bandage, before going back to Zac. "Do you feel better now ?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. A bit embarrassing and not really masculine". He says with a sigh, not really looking at me.

I gently grab his chin, lifting his face to look at me. "Stop that Zac, whether you have a hard time with blood or not has nothing to do with masculinity. It's nice to see a man who can admit when something makes him uncomfortable".

"You know you are amazing right ?" He says, pulling me down on his lap, my legs on each side of him. "Actually it should be illegal to be this amazing".

I run my hands slowly into his hair, watching his pupils dilate and his lips part slightly. Those lips are simply irresistible and I can't stop myself from leaning forward, tracing them slowly with my tongue, hearing him whimper deep in his throat.

His hands grabs my waist, pulling me hard against him. His breathing is fast and shallow and his mouth almost attack mine, kissing and nibbling at mine, making me catch my breath.

"Uh sorry boss". I hear the voice of one of the waitresses and detach my lips from Zac's. Turning to look at her and she continues. "Avery is here for her breakfast".

I pad Zac on the chest getting up. "I better get back to work. I'll make you something too. Let me guess. Eggs and bacon with a side of fresh fruit ?"

"Sounds delicious darling". He smiles and I go about making the food, feeling his eyes on me the whole time. That man is going to be the death of me.

I get the food ready, three plates, one for Avery, one for Zac and one for myself. "So think you are ready to come meet my best friend ?"

"Definitely darling, I can't wait to meet her. Is it okay if I just run by the bathroom first ?" He says with a sweet little smile.

I pick up the plates. "No problem at all, just come into the dining room when your are done powdering your nose".

"Ha ha". He says, winking at me before heading for the bathroom and I push the door to the dining room open, balancing in with the three plates.

I send Avery a smile walking up to the counter, putting her plate in front of her. And the two others on my side. "Morning Avery, you are early this morning".

"Yeah, woke up half an hour before the alarm rang, no real reason to go back to sleep, so thought I would come here and give you a second degree about your date with that handsome man you are seeing". She says.

I can't help from smiling, wondering what Avery will say when she see Zac. "Oh so you did, who says that I am going to spill anything ?"

"Of course you will". She says, digging into her breakfast. "Now dish, where did you go ? How was he ? And are you going to see him again ?"

Putting a piece of bacon into my mouth I chew thoughtfully. "Hmm lets see, we went bowling.. disco bowling and then karaoke and he was utterly amazing".

"Oh that sounds like a great date sweetie. So you got to hear him sing ? He has such an beautiful voice". Avery is gushing.

I nod, smiling to myself. "Oh he does and yes, I got to hear him sing several times. We did a duet and well, he kind of sang a song for me".

"That is soooo romantic". She looks at me with heart shaped eyes. "So... when are you going to see Mr Perfect again ?"

"Yeah let me hear, when are you going to see Mr Perfect again". Zac says into my ear as his strong arms slide around me from behind. "I didn't know I had combetion from a Mr Perfect".

Avery almost choke on her eggs and I can't help giggling as her face goes beet red. "Avery meet Mr Perfect or Zac as he seems to prefer. Zac this is my best friend, the one and only Avery".

"It's an absolute pleasure meeting you Avery". Zac says letting me go, to walk all the way around the counter and give the thill blushing Avery a hug.

She looks at me wide eyed over his shoulder, mouthing something like 'holy shit those muscles'. "Thank you. So happy to meet you to Zac".

We spend the next 20 min talking and eating our breakfast and I quickly find out one of Zac's bad habits, he steal other peoples food when they are not watching, having raided both mine and Avery's plate.

Zac grabs my waist, pulling me into him. "I better get going darling. Would you be free for another date tonight ?"

"I most definitely am". I say and he leans down to leave a smouldering kiss on my lips, making my head spin and I hear Avery sigh.

Zac lets me go. "I'll pick you up 6 pm then. See you my beautiful". Then he gives Avery a quick hug. "Such a pleasure getting to know you Avery". He comes jogging back around the counter, grabbing me to give me one last kiss, before leaving us alone.

Love and other disasters (A Zac and Tom story)Where stories live. Discover now