Chapter Twenty

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Everything was going swimmingly. I was getting carried back safe and sound by Ant. Who was nice and warm for me. Even though I feel bad for stealing his hoodie but I was turning blue so it's an exception. Also amazingly he was carrying my potato sack self without getting winded. I had also been bugging him the whole time by messing with his hair or pinching his cheeks. He didn't seem to mind though as he would just give me a kiss and keep walking.

He turned another corner and I instantly recognized the street. It finally hit me that I ran out on my brother. The same brother who rubbed it in I wasn't loved. Some brother. Which reminds me to move out when I get the chance. We continued down the street when I saw the house come into view. I snuggled my face into his neck. I had no intention of looking at anyone else. I was embarrassed especially for running out like a child.

Ant sets me down right before we get there and he unlocked the front door. He opened it and we walk into the house. All eyes were on me and I hated it. I put my head down and scurried to my room. Someone called me but I knew it was only a matter of time til the waterworks started. The door to my room was open and I quietly closed it not wanting to draw any attention. I saw my phone on the ground and glared at it. I can't believe I left it. The home screen was filled notifications. But it stopped after some time meaning they figured out I left it here.

Tomorrow was the last day of the event. Most of us weren't going to fly back till Tuesday I think. To get a day of sight seeing around the place. Bee was staying out the whole night. Luckily she wasn't be there when the whole fiasco went down. So I could talk to her. But I have no intention to talk to anyone else. No Will, Joe, or even Liam. Just Ant. Until I get home then I have Cassandra. I really wanted to go home at least not be here anymore.

After sitting on the floor and wallowing from self pity I've come to the decision to take a warm shower. Aren't those supposed to make you feel better. I take off Ants hoodie and carefully lay it out I plan to wear it after. Only due to the fact it's so nice. Grabbing a towel I walk to the bathroom that's connected. We got the connected one so the sink wouldn't be filled with makeup. I put the water til it's a nice hot temperature but it's not scalding hot. I undress and hop in. The hot water instantly relaxes my tense muscles. This really does help. Everything just slipped my brain as I took my shower.

After about ten minutes I finished and got out and grabbed my towel. I wrap my towel around me before ringing out my hair. I take a smaller towel and give my hair a pat dry to help it. I put the smaller towel on the rack to dry and I leave the bathroom and walk to go change into some pajamas. As soon as I step into the door way of the connecting rooms I see Ant scrolling through his phone sitting on my "bed". He realizes my presence and our eyes lock.

"Ant!" I say while giving him a look. " What are you doing"

"Nothing" he says cheekily.

"Well I need to change so you need to close yours and look away or go into the bathroom while I do" he gives me a smirk. And he stand up and turns around. Dramatically putting his hands over his eyes. I roll my eyes before I scamper to put my undergarments on. After that I put on some shorts I had and Ants hoodie. The hoodie was too big for me and went  past where the shorts were. "Okay you can look now" I tell him as I make my way to brush my hair. He turns around once more and a smile starts to grow on his face.

" Maddy what are you wearing" that smile turns into a smirk.

" I don't know what you're talking about" I reply as I finish up brushing out my hair.

Ant starts coming over to me. His strides are so large he's over in two steps. His hands wrap around me and tug his hoodie.

"Really? Cause I think I own this hoodie. And I actually like it in my wardrobe" darn I was really hoping I could steal it.

" Just for tonight. I promise I'll give it back to you tomorrow" I give him my best puppy dog eyes. He laughs and nods his head and gives me a kiss on the cheek. I smile as I nuzzle into him and as he hugs me close.

" I'll only let you since I peeked at you" he mumbles. My face goes bright red at him.

" Anthony!" I start swatting his chest and he just laughs. Probably cause this feels like nothing to him. He presses his lips to mine and I immediately stop swatting him. Kissing him was so great. We pull away from each other I actually feel how tired I am. "Ant will you stay with me for the night". He nods and kisses my forehead. He leaves the room though and I frown. Maybe he'll come back later and has something to do.

I lay down on my bed.  And wrap my self in blankets. It was pretty comfy and I could fall asleep now. The door to my room open. It was Ant and I was screaming internally. He was completely shirtless and had pajama pants on. Ant laid down and I opened the covers for him and he slipped in next to me. His arm wrapped around and pulled me close to him. This is all I wanted and needed.
Hey guys. So this got out a little later then I wanted but I still liked it. And I hope you like this chapter as well.  Enjoy and hopefully I'll have one maybe two chapters out this weekend.

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