i'm really tired

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i'm so tired and done with putting up with shit
i haven't posted on here in a while
and tbh i've changed a lot
in like a month lol
i just want to let go
and not have to worry about anything
i've been realizing this more and more
and now that my sister is trying to make me
this uptight always respectful annoying person
it's shown through so much
and i'm just tired of it all
news flash:
i'm not perfect
and i don't give a single fuck
i just don't want to deal with it all right now
aNd my friends are being so annoying and hard to deal with
i'm also just generally really tired
and i'm feeling really done with everything
i already know i'm gonna regret posting this in the morning
ehh who cares
okay g'night guys i hope i feel less tired and stuff tomorrow

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