Chapter Eight •• Colton

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I twisted the strings of cajun pasta around my fork before popping it into my mouth, almost moaning at the taste. "I haven't eaten since this morning, I needed this." May grinned at me. "I told you it would be good." She took a bite out of her own cajun pasta, and one of the noddles wrapped around her chin. "Are you having difficulties, May?" Sam asked, biting into his five cheese pizza. Shaking her head, she choked back a laugh, "Says the boy who has sauce all over his face." Sam looked at Olive in distress. "Do I really have sauce on my face?" Olive chuckled, "Yeah, you actually do." Wiping his hand over his skin, the sauce disappeared, and spread across the back of his hand. "At least I'm not Schyler, she's the one with ketchup on the front of her shirt." Schyler looked down at her shirt and quickly grabbed a napkin, wiping it off. "Then there's Colton, that won't stop staring at May's face," she retorted back. I began to say something, holding a finger up in the air before Schyler spoke, blocking me off. "Don't get too attached May, his butt is non-existent." May's cheeks turned the brightest of red that I have ever seen. "What?" She squeaked. "Colton's butt is non-existent, May, so you can't look at it," Olive said, smirking. The red washed away from her cheeks, and a devious smile replaced her fear filled frown. "It's not like Sam has one either, so don't get your hopes up." I couldn't help but laugh. May smiled at me and her beautiful laughter filled the restaurant. She was so cute. I shook the thought from my head as Sam stared, open-mouthed, at Olive and May. "Please don't talk about my butt." Olive shook her head, crossing her arms, her glare dancing over Sam. "For your information, I wasn't talking about your butt." I raised my eyebrows at her. "But you said stuff about my butt and I totally agree, it is non-existent." Schyler shrugged "At least he'll admit it, unlike Sam over here." Sam crossed his arms. "Okay, I'm done with this conversation." I chuckled, pushing more pasta in my face. From beside me, May raised her glass full of Coke, and grinned "A toast, to all of us. We made it through auditions!" People sitting around us were shooting angry glances, but we obviously didn't care. I lifted up my sweet tea as Schyler lifted up her glass of water. From across the table, Sam and Olive thrust glasses of Mountain Dew and Pepsi in the air, the sound of all the glasses clinking making me shiver. Friends, I could call these people friends.
"May, just let me drive." Sam spoke to her, "You're half asleep." May shook her head. "No, I'll drive." Her head started to nod off to the side. "I'll drive since I'm the eldest. Okay?" I said, taking the keys from May's left hand. She didn't protest and her eyes closed slowly. "Here," I grunted, picking her up bridal style, "you obviously can't walk to the car." Olive shot me a look and Schyler elbowed me in the side, but I ignored them. Pulling open the door to the car, I looked back at Olive, who stood not far behind me. "Sit her in the passenger seat, I'll sit in the back." I carefully sat her figure down in the seat, closing the door quietly behind her. Sam, Olive, and Schyler slid into the back, and I made my way around the car, placing myself between the steering wheel and the seat. I shoved the silver key into the ignition, hoping the sound of the engine starting would not wake May. Thankfully, she didn't even budge. "I could have driven, you know," Sam commented from the backseat. I sighed, heavily, pulling out of the parking lot. "May would kill me if she woke up to find you driving." Sam nodded, and I saw him lean his head back against the seat through the reflection of the mirror. "Do you have to head home tonight?" He questioned me, not moving from his place. "No, but our parents prefer us to be home around noon tomorrow," I replied. He nodded, and I noticed Olive and Schyler both sat, eyes closed, Olive's head only inches from Sam's shoulder. I glanced over at May's sleeping figure, her head was lying on my arm that rested upon the middle console. Her hair was draped over her face, and I could feel Sam's eyes glancing between us. "When are you planning to leave, Sam?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning. I'd leave before then, but I know my friends won't want to leave tonight." I reached back one of my hands, pulling it free of the steering wheel, but still keeping it controlled, and held it out to Sam. "Let me put my number in your phone, you know, considering all of us won't be back together for three months." Sam placed his phone in my hand and I quickly entered my number into his contacts. "Take your phone," I said, holding it behind me, "before I crash the car." Laughing quietly, he did as he was told, and I returned my hand to the wheel, neither of us speaking another word.
"Olive." I said, calmly and sweetly. "You got to wake up and tell us where to take you and your sister." I was holding May in my arms as Sam gently shook Olive awake. May's head was lying against my chest, her blonde hair hanging over my arm. "What?" Olive asked, groggily, her eyes flying open. Her eyes widened as she saw me holding her sister. "I figured she wouldn't be happy if I woke her up," I explained. "So you woke me up instead?" She asked, yawning. Sam nodded. "Yes, we did. Now, answer Dixon's question." I rolled my eyes, but smiled at the named I'd just been called, Dixon. I could say it was a nickname I'd never been gifted before. Olive stretched her arms over her head, tapping Schyler on the head in the process. "We're here." She yawned. Schyler groaned and leaned her head against the window, not responding. "I'll come back out and get her, okay?" Olive nodded and climbed out of the car. May whimpered and curled against me. "I think she's taken a liking to you, Dixon," Sam remarked. "No, I think she's just cold, Woolf," I replied as Olive just shook her head, "Will you two please stop talking to each other like you've been in contact for ages?" Sam scoffed, crossing his arms. "Fine then. Sorry for being friendly." I could tell he was starting to become grumpy. "Quit arguing or whatever you're doing, okay? We just all need some sleep," I turned to Olive, "you need to tell me where to take May because you obviously can't carry her." Shooting a glance at Sam, I could tell she was trying to seem angry, but affection and humor covered it up without her meaning to. "Yea, I'll show you." She replied, taking her eyes from Sam's, and starting with me toward the front doors of the hotel, Sam trailing behind. It surprised me on how heavy a sleeper May was, but I was guessing she usually didn't sleep well. I could hear her snoring softly against my shirt. Sam snorted in humor as he held open the door for me. Rolling my eyes, I stepped inside and began down the hall, Olive in the lead.

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