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harry doesn't see isha for a while. he goes back to the ice cream cart to get himself some of their famous mint choco-chip, but he doesn't see her there. it's not until eight days later, not like harry's counting, when isha shows up again, a blush painting her cheeks, windswept hair in her brown eyes, and a smile that almost makes harry trip over his own two feet.

she approaches him, again, but he's glad. she's got a red beanie on, pulled down so low that harry can barely see her face, but he recognises her when he feels the same tap on his shoulder, her soft, unsure presence behind him, and he turns to look at her with his signature grin, one that gets him all the girls that he never asks for.

"isha," harry greets, pleasantly enough, not giving away the fact that he'd been so desperately waiting for them to meet again after their last impromptu ice cream date, when isha had left a short, chaste kiss on harry's cheek and a longer, aching pull in his heart.

"harry!" isha exclaims excitedly, eyes flitting around his face as she tries to map his beautiful, unique features, "how have you been?"

"miserable without you," he teases, holding his hands up to pull at her cheeks, watching her stumble back, giggling, swatting his hands away. isha pulls his hands down, wrapping her fingers in his, taking him by surprise as she beams up at him, saying, "i'm glad to hear that. are you free right now?"

"always free for you, ish."

isha lets out a small, enthusiastic yay, dropping one of his hands as she tugs him along, pressing her body into his side, missing the blush that climbs up his neck, heating up all his insides.

"good," she says, curling her arm around his, "because so am i. and i know a place that sells the best mint choco-chip ice cream."

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