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Hey Ross. I said . What. Ross said. Wanna come to my house cause we have a Bonfire . Yes said Ross

But I invited Your whole family I said. So, I don't care.  Ross said . Let's go. I said.

In Hanna's back yard

Let's cook marshmallows. Ross said. Don't you think we should eat t hotdogs first. I said. I

guess your right, not. Ross said. You know what let's just ditch the hotdogs. I said. Yeah! Ross

screamed. You don't have to scream. I said. I'll get the sticks. Ross danced over to the Sticks.

Wow your really happy . I said.  I know I get crazy when I eat marshmallows and their my

favorite food on earth!!!  Ross said. You should stay to a one marshmallow limit . I said. No

how about a 20 marshmallow limit. Ross said. Noooooo. I said.  Well I'm eating as much as I

want . Ross said. Oh ok I'm gonna go get some benedril so you can take a nap after one

marshmallow. I said.

Ross's pov

man I get crazy after a marshmallow. But I love the taste, but I shouldn't eat it because I nuts.

Hanna went to go vet benedril for some reason. I pass out over one marshmallow so it's useless.

end of pov

Hey Ross I'm back. Hanna said. Hey. I said back to her. Let's  roast some marshmallows. Hanna

Said. I like mine burnt. Same here.I said. Where is everyone? Ross asked. I don't know, but I'm

not going over again. Hanna said. Hey do you want to sleepover at my house. Hanna asked.

Sure. I said.  Oh my gosh we totally forgot about our marshmallows , They burnt off the sticks.

Hanna said. No my marshmallow. Ross screamed  and fell on his knees. I think he started to cry

a little. It's ok Ross , we can roast another one. Hanna said. B-but that one was special. Ross

said.  Oh please Ross, It's just a marshmallow. Hanna said. Want me to cook you one. Hanna  

said. Yes . Ross said. Ok get me two marshmallows. Hanna said. Ok . Said Ross. Want me to

catch them on fire. Hanna said. Yes please. Ross said. Ross, they just caught on fire, now blow

the fire off. Hanna said blowing the fire off the marshmallows. Hanna takes the marshmallows

off the stick. Here you go. Hanna said to Ross. Yay!! Ross said jumping up and down like a little

girl.  They ate their marshmallows. Wow those were goooooood. Ross said. I'm not going crazy

which is strange . Ross said. What time is it. Hanna asked Ross. It's 9:35.Ross said. Wow the

day went by like you snap your fingers. Hanna said. What does that mean? Ross asked. I don't

know, but do you want to go watch a movie. Hanna said. Sure, what movie. Ross said. Mean

girls. Hanna said. No. Ross said. Yes it's kind a funny. Hanna said. How is mean girls funny.

Ross asked. Well Cady's Halloween costume is funny and people attack each other in Cady's

thoughts . Ok I  guess I'll watch it. Ross said.

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