Chapter 2

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The bell rang indicating it was time for homeroom. You looked at Jin with pleading eyes hoping he would just let the situation with Chanyeol go. He nodded no, hugged you and left for class. You made your way earning a few glances from other people. 'what happened now'. You walked into homeroom and took a seat in the very back.

The teacher did his announcements and gave the student's study hall. You had already finished your assignments so you stood up to grab a book from the small bookcase.

"(y/n). Go to the principal's office" your teacher said sternly

"O-okay" you grabbed your back and walked out of the classroom. You heard a few kids snickering but brushed it off. You walked down the hall to the office wondering why you requested. 'Did Jin tell? No, he wouldn't! He said he wouldn't'. You stood outside the door. Taking a deep breath you opened. When you opened the door you saw Mr.Lee, the principal, and a boy who wasn't Chanyeol.

"(y/n) take a seat," Mr.Lee said pointing to the chair beside the boy. As you sat down you heard a scoff."(y/n) this is Min Yoongi he just moved here from Daegu. I want you to be his guide"

"Guide? Why me?" you stuttered

"You are one of my top students. I know I can trust you. Plus you share a few classes. Yoongi show her your schedule" he said motioning his hand towards you

He handed you his schedule. You took the paper and grabbed your binder to compare. He leaned over to see your schedule

"You're in 9th grade?" he questioned

"Yea but I'm taking 10th-grade classes" you informed"We have 5 out of 6 classes together" you started looking back at him

"Well, the bell is about to ring so why don't you two start packing up?" Mr.Lee said looking at his watch. You spent most of the day with Yoongi. You learned that he was forced to move by his father but that was it.

~Time Skip~


You stood up in your chair and left the classroom. You made it to your locker undisturbed. You figured Jin speaking to Chanyeol worked and that he would leave you alone. Then you heard a voice. It was a familiar voice. A voice you dreaded to hear. Chanyeol

"(y/n)!" Chanyeol said from behind you. You gulped and closed your locker.


"You told your brother didn't you?" he said grabbing your bag making you face him. He grabbed your wrist and dug his nails into the soft flesh making you whimper in pain. He brought his free hand up and slapped your cheek

"You idiot! Didn't I tell you not to tell anyone! You! Stupid! Bitch!" He emphasized the last words with a slap.

You stood there shaking tears threatening to fall from your eyes

He let go of your wrist and let you fall to the ground before walking away. You stood up and examined them newly made marks on your right hand watching them bleed. You wiped the tears from your eyes, pulled down your sleeve, stood up and walked out of the building ignoring the stares people gave.

Your brothers had after-school plans so you would have the house to yourself. When you got home you didn't bother doing your homework. You didn't bother cleaning your room. You just sat on your bed and stared out the window.

"I've had enough!" you said to yourself

You left your room to grab a razor from the bathroom. You made your way back to your room and locked the door. You sat at your desk, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. You started to write, your suicide note.

I've had enough of this cruel world. After being abandoned as a child. After being bullied and harassed. After having the constant feeling I'll always be alone. I can't help but think I'm not good enough for this world. I am not good enough. I am useless. I am worthless. I can't help the unbearable feeling that no one can help me now. It's time I put an end to this. Jin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hoseok thank you for helping me through life, you did as much as you could.

-(y/n) (y/l/n)

Reason To Live| Min Yoongi x Reader Where stories live. Discover now