Yoongi's eyes widen slightly, for the first time he looks away from and looks at the floor, I raise my eyebrows at him. "Maybe he's having an identity crisis..." He mumbled.

I shake my head and feel my heart drop. Is Yoongi cheating or something? I suddenly feel that he's hiding a lot from me. What would he have to hide, from me, his own boyfriend? "M-maybe you're having an identity crisis, find out whose side you're on. The side of the friends who have been by your side since highschool, or the side of Taehyung"

I turn to walk away as my eyes blur and feel a hand on my wrist.

"Jimin wait-I.....I'm....I want to tell you but I can't" His voice is suddenly so quiet and weak that I have to resist the urge to turn around and take him into my arms. "Please stay"

A tear rolled down my cheek, I can't believe Yoongi was acting so cold towards Jungkook and I, "No, until you find it in yourself to tell me everything that you are obviously hiding and see that Jungkook is not being exaggerated about his behavior...I-I can't stay. Sorry Yoongs" I take in a shaky breath and pry his hand off of my wrist and walk away.

Yoongi's POV-

My lips curve downward into a frown as I watch Jimin walk away.

I really fucked up, I should have just told him that I'm Suga.

Taehyung's best friend, Part of his popular boy clan, and a fellow fuckboy.

It's gone too far, I can't live a double life any longer. I've been cheating on Jimin for a month now, why you may ask? I, myself don't know. I'm lost, I don't know who I am.

I met Taehyung by accident and we became really close friends. He's like a little brother to me and since he was already living the big life, I just got sucked into it.

After a little I began to blend into that life, but i also wanted to keep living my old life,  so I never said anything to Jimin, or Hobi, or Jin or jungkook. After living in that popular life for a while i realized it is so full of drama and negativity. I was too used to living like that, so I kept living my "second life" in secret because I wanted to protect Jimin and Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook from what the "popular life". I only stuck to it because of my two other closest friends, Namjoon and Taehyung. 

I feel so guilty for being mean to Jungkook, I know all too well the suffering he's been through and I understand why he went through that. I didn't want to hurt him either which is why I never said anything about it especially to him. He sadly knows first-hand how bad that life can get.

But since I'm also best friends with Taehyung, I understand his reasons for being a player. Like I told Jimin, it's just the way he copes with the lack of attention he's had his whole life. He's great and dandy in terms of personality, and everyone has thier flaws, so I got mad at Jungkook for judging him.

Agh, I just really have to make up my mind, soon enough one of my lives will win over the other. I can't keep this up. I can't just suddenly dissappear from the public eye of the school. But I can't betray the friends who have stood by me for years.

I sigh and look at the ground feeling angry at myself. This clash between both of my lives may never have happened if it weren't for a certain blonde. I get what happened that caused Jungkook to get noticed by Taehyung.

I also think I get Taehyung's motive for going as far as to asking him, no, knowing Taehyung's pushiness, he probably forced shy little  Jungkook because of what a pushover he must've seen.

I frown, Taehyung is my buddy and all and I normally don't butt into his love life aka him playing people,  but Jungkook is already stressed enough. I guess I owe him for yelling at him. I fish my phone out of my pocket and dial a familiar contact.

"Hello Suga~! What's u-"

"Taehyung please don't get involved with jungkook"


Hello readers! I know this chapter didn't have any vkook, and I'm sowwyyyy.

And I'm also sowwy if was confusing, I have most of the story planned out and there's a lot of conflict in it. Not just with Vkook.

Why you may ask? Isn't this a vkook fanfic?  Yes it is, but the conflicts aren't random, and will all end up connecting to vkook and give the story a little more dimension. (Wow I sounds like such a nerd for reading/writing)


I promise~! It'll all make sense!

And thanks for reading the book! Baibaii!  Till the next update!

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