Trolling Trolls

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             “We need to find the Summer Queen.” I say after a long silence. Everyone was exhausted. Owen never said this would happen to us, but he probably didn’t even know that this would happen.

            “We don’t even know where the hell we are.” Ronnie says. She has a pessimistic attitude at the moment. I am surprised that I am staying so calm. I wanted to go home more than anything right now.

            “The cat said we are close to the Winter territories.” Will tell the rest of the group. Ronnie raises a brow.

            “I’ll explain later.” I tell her. She rolls her eyes. It wasn’t a good idea to stay so close to the Winter Territory. We had to get to Annith first.

            “We should find a clearing so we can get a good view.” I say.

            We decide to start walking north for no reason really. Will and I needed to find a clearing see we can survey the land. To figure out which direction we had to go in. It seemed as if we were walking for hours and we were just walking through an endless forest. I wipe the sweat of my brow and lean against the tree for support. Will comes to my aid instantly.

            “We need to rest.” He says. Everyone nods in agreement. It was getting dark anyway and cold.

            “Colton and I will find some wood.” Will says. I didn’t think it was a good idea to be so exposed. The fire might attract creatures—different Fey. Will said we would just sleep as wolves and we’d be fine. When they are gone, I plop down on the ground. Adrik hands me some water.

            “Thanks.” I tell him. Adrik smiles and I scoot closer to him seeking warmth. This place was so weird. I didn’t understand how the Fey could live here.

            “You’re cold?” He asks. I nod and Adrik puts an arm around me. He rubs my shoulder up and down.

            “This place—it’s not safe.” Adrik notes. Obviously it wasn’t. I mean Colin already almost died. I look over at Ronnie and saw her building up different burning materials for the fire. Colin was sleeping—he was hit the hardest and he needed rest.

            “I’m sorry about Alena.” I tell Adrik. I state it randomly, but I wanted to get his take on what he thought. He and Alena were intended for each other, but it seems that Nick has got her attention more than Adrik.

            “Its fine. I only want her to be happy and if she is with Nick, then so be it.” Adrik says seriously. I didn’t understand him sometimes. Adrik was too calm at time when he should be steaming.

            “You are a good person Adrik.” I say just as Will returns. He gives Adrik one look and the guy jerks away from me. I roll my eyes at Will and he just gives me that same beautiful smile. I watch as they make a fire and soon enough Will is by my side hugging me close to his body.  

            “Let’s get some sleep.” Will says. We all change into our wolf forms and I rest my head on Will’s paws. I was extra warm from his body, the fire and my fur. Even though this place was strange, I still found it easy to fall asleep.

            I wake up the next morning to odd noises. Grunt sounds and such. It was actually very displeasing to my ears. My head pops up and I can see these little creatures lying on my body. They are wrapped in my fur and it isn’t just me but everyone else too. Will still sleeps not noticing at all. I growl at the little blue creatures and they shake. Their black beady eyes look frightened. They were no bigger than my middle finger. They seemed harmless so I stand up and shake my fur. They come right off and scatter away. I go over to Will and lick the side of his face. He wakes up and I change into a human once more.

The Dark and Hollow Places; Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now