Chapter 22 Relations

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Chapter: 22

I hugged Edward before getting out of the car and walking inside. I climbed the stairs. As I was walking to my room I saw the door of my parents bedroom (The thing is that it was her parents house and they used to live here but her father died when she was 10 years old so then she was forced into the orphan house, so the house got sold.) There are memories in there. I build the courage and opened the door. The queen sized bed was in the center and one coffee table on each side. The white couches were at the right wall. The windows on the left. Picture frames on the shelf beside the couches. I walked to the shelf and there was a picture of me and my dad making a sand castle on the beach, a picture of me and my mom cooking outside, a picture of me and dad water fighting and last and the biggest one was of the whole family. I hadnt realized that tears were escaping from my eyes. I picked up the photo frame in which there was a picture of mom and dad, I pressed it to my chest and started crying nuts, I felt my knees giving up and I collapsed on the floor. After ten minutes of constantly crying I pulled myself together and got up. After placing the frame back I walked out of the room and locked that door cause I dont want anyone to go inside that room. I wiped the tears while walking to the bathroom. I quickly locked the bathroom door behind me and rushed to the sink and turned on the water. I started crying nuts again. It seemed like I have lost control over myself. I washed my tear strained face.

I have to be strong for the sake of my parents. I cant get revenge if Im not strong... I walked to the closet and changed into a pair of pajamas and went to sleep.

"Brooke, kill them all. Dontleaveanyofthem, cmonBrooketheyarereasonofyourfathersDeath" Harrystated. Itwasdark  andinfrontofwasstandingElizabeth. "Brookedont, please..Itoldyouthatforgivethemall...Pleasedear, dontletmedown" Iheardmyfathersay.. "BrookedontlistentoanyoneandjuststabtheknifeinElizabeth'sheart" Harryspoke.

I sat up suddenly in shock, panting. It was just a dream..just a dream. I drank some water from the jug on my nightstand and went back to sleep.

I woke to the shinning sun. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After drying my hair I went to the closet and decided on wearing black skinny jeans, green chiffon shirt, black heels, black earrings, black bracelet. After getting dressed I walked to the mirror and applied mascara, eye liner, base and pink lipstick and then I straightened my hair and left then open. After that I grabbed my phone and dialed Harry's number.

"Hello?" he spoke up.

"Can I come to your place?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll text you the address." he said.

"Okay text coming now" I said and hung up. As soon as I got the text I rushes downstairs to my car and drove to his house.

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