Chapter 2

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Hi, thanks for reading! If you are reading this can you please tell me how you came across this story? Since its my first time writing I'm not really sure how to get people to view my story.
Comments are welcome!


Through the window, the wolf watched me as I stumbled back in shock.
I blinked repeatably wondering if I was dreaming or if I had imagined the huge shadow down below. Of course I probably just ended up looking like an idiot with blinking problems.
What is-
My thoughts were interrupted as a knock echoed in my room. I turned back and opened the door to reveal my mom smiling.

"Hey I came to check up on you, have you got everything you need? " she asked as she looked at me.  "Are you ok? "

I shook my head hoping to get the haunting thoughts of the wolf out of my head. "Yeah, I'll be fine mom stop worrying. " She worked the next morning so she wouldn't get to see me on my first day at school which worried her as she didn't know how it would go. Last time, I had managed to get in trouble on the first day..

"Anyways, I'll go change. " I hinted for her to let me sleep as I stepped back.

"Right. You know I love you right? " she asked.

I moved forward to hug her "Of course, and I love you too, you know that. " We had been through a lot together and after a certain incident she had become a lot more overprotective.

After letting go, I closed the door after her as I turned on my heel towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. On the way, I looked out the window wondering if the wolf was still there. My heart raced at the idea.
I was wondering if that was normal. I laughed. Of course it wasn't. A wolf at night maybe, but a creature twice the size of a normal wolf that hid in the shadows; that wasn't normal.

I twisted and turned in my sleep as I listened for any sounds outside. Nothing. The silence was almost haunting as I was used to the whistle of the busy streets but here we were surrounded by woods until they came down the hill to the city.

Many uncomfortable minutes later, I finally drifted into sleep.


A loud ringing noise woke me as I sighed. Great. I thought as I climbed out of bed. Having showered quickly and put on a T-shirt, sweater and a pair of jeans I made my way downstairs.

Matt was sat at the table drinking a cup of coffee as Lily sat across from him eating some toast.

"Morning." I said as I took out a bowl of cereal and sat down. I had no idea how I knew where the bowls were since we just got here, but it was definitely in my hands as I poured the milk in.

"Hey, good morning, you ready for your first day of school?" Matt looked at me kindly.


"Yes." I responded.

Matt looked thoughtful for a second before speaking, "Well, not to worry you or anything, but you have ten minutes and then we have to go. "

"What!?" I exclaimed, wondering what to do.
I rushed upstairs brushing my hair and teeth and applying light makeup, I opted for a natural look since that's what I preferred. Surprisingly, I was ready in time. We made our way into the car, lily and I sat in the back as Matt had stuff in the passenger seat.

I had been fine all morning but now that we were sitting in the car my nerves were starting to get to me.

"Are you okay? " Lily looked up at me.

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