Chapter 1: The meeting.

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today's the day. I'm finally meeting my bias. I'm a big fan of BTS. But I couldn't risk getting recognized, I had to go incognito, well not really. Being the prince of Seoul isn't that hard-ish. I'm allowed to leave the castle, I just changed my look. I changed into the clothes I'm going to wear.

Once I was ready I grabbed my phone, and album, and headed downstairs

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Once I was ready I grabbed my phone, and album, and headed downstairs. I went to the dining hall, and greeted his parents.

"Good morning eomma, appa!" I greeted with a smile.

"Good morning (Y/N), are you ready to go to the concert today?" Eomma asked me.

"Ne eomma. I can't wait to go! I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!" I said, bouncing on the balls of my feet excitedly.

I sat down at the table in front of my appa, waiting for breakfast to be served.

"You know, (Y/N) if you wanted to meet them so bad, we could have arranged something do you didn't have to do this." Appa said.

"Ani, I wanted to do this. I don't want you guys to do that. I want to experience this as a normal fan, no special treatment. But thanks anyway appa."

Soon enough, the maids served breakfast.

~Time skipeu~

Time to head to the concert. I made sure I had my mask and sunglasses, and head out. I ran down the stair in excitement.

"Bye eomma! Bye appa, see you guys later tonight!" I yelled out.

I made sure no one noticed me, and blended into the crowd. I quickly made my way to the venue, wanting to get there early. Once I arrived there wasn't that long of a line. I quickly got into the short line.

Soon, the line was extremely long. Boy was I glad I came early. I stood quietly, while the girls around me fangirled.

"OMO he's so cute. And he's a fanboy." I heard the girl behind me say to her friends.

I tried to ignore them, and soon the doors opened, and everyone swarmed in. I somehow managed to get in the front, close to the stage.

Th concert started. I kept my focus on my bias, Taehyung. That guy needs to keep that tongue in his fucking mouth I swear. The concert went by quick, and was soon over.

"Thank you so much! Don't forget, if you have the pass, we'll see you at the fan sign in a bit!" Namjoon said as they were getting off stage.

With that, everyone was exiting the stadium. Half of the people went towards the direction of the fan sign, while the other half, left.

I ended up somewhere in the front rows. The boys came out and sat at the table, and the fan sign stated. Everyone was excited. The fan sign was going quick and soon it was my turn.

I went up to the first member, RM. When I got to him he smiled.

"Hello! We don't usually get a lot of fanboys. What's your name?" He said with his dimple smile.

"Just Jinsoo is fine, Namjoon-shi" I said.

"Just call me hyung, you look about Taehyung's age. At I right?" I nodded.

Jinsoo, is the name I use because, let's be honest, if I told people my name was (Y/N), I would be instantly recognized, and could never go out again.

"That's a nice name! May i ask why you are wearing sunglasses inside? Not to be rude." I tensed at the question.

"A-ah, I just like to wear sunglasses whenever." I lied.

He seemed suspicious, but let it go. We talked for a few more minutes, until the security called time. I moved onto the next member, Jungkook.

When I got to him he showed his bunny smile. I gave him a smile.

"Annyeong! What's your name?"


I went to the other members, and soon, I was at the last member.


I slowly moved over to him. He didn't seem to notice my presence. I cleared my throat, successfully getting his attention. His face immediately lit up, with a huge boxy smile.

"OMO you're so cute!! I've never seen such a cute boy, what's you're name?" Taehyung said as he intertwined our hands.

"J-Jinsoo. M-my name is M-Min J-Jinsoo." I was blushing like a tomato.

"Aww. You're just so cute!" He pinched my cheek.

He signed my album then continued talking to me. He treated me like a normal fan, not like I'm weird.

"Next!" The security guard said.

Taehyung pouted, which I found adorable.

"Aww! I wanted to talkt with you more!!" He whined.

This made blush again. He disconnected out hands, handing me my album. I got up to leave.

"Annyeong Jinsoo!" I heard Taehyung say as I left.

Once I was outside the venue, I looked at what the members wrote. I smiled at there messages. Although, something caught my eye when I read Taehyung's.

Hi Jinsoo! Thank you so much for being our fan! I think you're very cute, if I haven't made myself clear. I think we should hang out sometime!

Call or text me: xxx-xxx-xxxx (I trust you won't give it out.)

~Taehyung <3

My heart stopped.


New story!!!! OMO, this is the second story of my series. I hope this turns out just as good as Best of Me. Speaking of which, if you haven't read, you should check out! Anyway have a good night!!


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