Break Day

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"I'm surprise you have the guts to challenge my whole guild, your not really the destructive type at your guild",said Jiemma calling Lucy out.

"I might not be the one to destroy stuff most of the time, but I will go in my destroy mode if you push my buttons",said Lucy giving Jiemma a warning.

Natsu was about to punch Jiemma until Minerva got in the way.

"You have to go through me first if you want to hurt our master",said Minerva.

"Fine I'll take you both on",said Natsu who was about to attack until Happy and Terry appeared in.

"Happy/Terry what happened",said Natsu and Lucy in usion.

"We were at the bar and we both took a walk then suddenly she appeared and beat us and tied us up",said Happy as Natsu and Lucy didn't like what just came out the exceed mouth.

"If you attack then I will hurt your exceeds, but if you *boom",Minerva was cut off from a rock hitting her forehead pretty hard dropping Terry and Happy. The exceeds then ran to there Bestfriends.

"If you ever try and hurt my exceed you will experience worse than you already have",said Lucy as everybody in Sabertooth had a shocked face because there princess and strongest member was knocked out by Lucy the smartest girl in Fairy Tail.

Natsu was about to attack until Lucy realized what could happen.

"Wait Natsu stop",commanded Lucy.

"Why",asked Natsu.

"Because if we attack and somebody gets hurt then Fairy Tail A and B will be kicked out of the games",said Lucy as Natsu realized it himself.

"Let's go",said Lucy as Nastu was following her out the door.

"Oh and for the record Sabertooth we treat our guild mates/ comrades like family"said Nastu as some Sabertooth members thought about it.

Minerva was mad that Lucy the Commander knocked her out.

Some of the mages there wanted to fight Lucy for what she had said.

'I will get you back Commander for hitting me with one your sneak attacks and invading our guild', thought Minerva.

'Since she is the smartest girl at Fairy Tail I will do worse then when I hacked into her stuff and made her start all over on that game', thought Rufus.

'I will beat Gajeel and get Lucy back for embarrassing Sting and will show her that she can't just come up in Sabertooth and challenge us all', thought Rogue.

'I will get that Lighting Bolt at Fairy Tail and show Commander what real lighting is and how it can affect a water mage. YES I thought something smart',thought Orga.

'Natsu and Lucy had the guts to walk in here and challenge us and I will get Blondie back for calling me gay and challenging us tigers', thought Sting.

'Natsu and Lucy had the guts to walk in here and challenge us and I will get Blondie back for calling me gay and challenging us tigers', thought Sting

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