Not Everyone Will Stay

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Not everyone you meet in life will leave, some will stay; no matter how much you mess up, how much you irritate the other person, they'll stay. You'll find them soon - the ones who will comprehend your soul, who will understand you; on your good days and your bad days. There may be several reasons to be mad at you and leave but they'll embrace that one reason that keeps you together. You'll find them - the ones who know how much love you hold between your tiny palms, how much your bones ache from being hurt by people you thought were your home. You'll know them them because for once in your life you'll not be afraid anymore, for once your heart won't beat for all the wrong reasons. Your heart will be at peace, you'll be at peace. You'll find your home in them, for once you won't feel like a nomad in search for homes in people and trust me the right ones will stay, they'll be your safe place and at the end of the day they'll look at you and know, without any hesitation that they want to stay, no matter what. //🌹

© Anusmita Mukherjee 🙈


How have you all been, I have my final exams going on. I wrote this in between hope you all like it.

And yes:

can you please like and share this? It's a meme contest and I'm a participant. ❤️

If you can't see the link I've posted it in the message board as well. ❤️

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