Season 1

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Jay wakes up in his bed and finds a note from his father, which reminded him of his mother's birthday. He eats his breakfast and then meets with his friend, Aver, outside. They head to Starblocks Cafe, where they buy themselves some cookies. Then they go to a video games store and when Jay remembers about his mother's birthday, they head to a jewelry store, in which Jay gets interested in a diamond, but it's too expensive for him to buy. Suddenly, a man who looks just like Jay appears and steals the same diamond Jay was looking at. Daryl, the closest cop, starts chasing the thief but loses him. After he returns to the store, he mistakes Jay for the thief and arrests him. The judge sentences him to three years imprisonment in Parkside Prison Institute. Jay finds it hard to adapt to prison life at first, but later makes friends with some other inmates and the living in prison becomes more bearable for him. On the boat trip to the island, he meets another man who's recently been arrested. Before the newly arrived prisoners are sent to their cells, the warden of the prison tells them the prison rules and introduces Shamus, the head guard. Later, Jay is put in a cell and there he meets his cellmate, Gary. Gary shows him around the prison and introduces him to Timmy, another inmate. On the first day of prison, Jay gets into a fight with Thumper, a rude and aggressive inmate, in which he and two other prisoners beat up Jay, Gary, and Timmy with Nemo fish. Thumper is sent to the hole shortly after. The next day, Jay is shown the woodchopping job, which prisoners do to earn prison money, which is, apparently, candy. On Christmas Day, Jay meets Billy again and introduces him to Timmy and Gary. Later that day, Jay is stabbed by Thumper, which results in him passing out. While being unconscious, Jay has a dream about home, his mother, his friend Aver, and a local hobo named Hank, who tells him to save Snickers bars and talk to Beth, who is one of the female prisoners. After waking up, Jay goes to talk to Beth and Billy, who tells him some information about Hank and Thumper. Billy says that Hank was once a prisoner at Parkside Prison and that he managed to escape. He also tells Jay and Beth that he intends to escape the prison as well. Later that day, Timmy asks Jay if he could ask the female prisoners if any of them are single. Jay asks Beth if she and Katie would like to join the boys at lunch. Timmy is very nervous at the beginning but later gets along with Katie, while Jay gets interested in Beth. The next day, Jay gets a visit from his mother and he asks her to bring him Snickers bars. After the visit, he and Timmy take a shower in the shower rooms, where Jay is interrupted by Thumper, who accuses him of being responsible for his troubles. Jay tells Thumper about the escape and hardly manages to ask Thumper to help him in exchange for Thumper joining the escape. Suddenly, Beth appears, which makes Jay frightened and embarrassed. After a short discussion, they leave the shower rooms and Jay informs Timmy and Gary about the escape. He later meets with Billy again, who tells him that they're going to use TNT for escaping. After collecting the sand and gunpowder to make the TNT, Jay and his friends get ready for their escape. During the night, they pick up Beth, Katie, and Thumper, then Billy uses the TNT to make an explosion. After they escape the prison through the sewers, Gary sacrifices himself and gets caught in order to buy the others enough time to escape the island on wooden boats. Back in Parkside, the friends celebrate their freedom and dress out of their uniforms. Jay later meets with Aver in a street, and they go to a boat, on which Jason holds Thumper, his former leader, at gunpoint. He tells Jay that Thumper told him everything about him, his friends and the prison. In fear of getting arrested, Jason tries to kill Jay but is interrupted by Billy and Hank, who appear with guns, saving Jay. After a fight, Beth appears and Jason tries to take her hostage but is surprised by Daryl the cop, who arrests Jason and Thumper and saves the day. In court, Jay and his friends are found free of accusations. Jay finally brings his mother a birthday present and he and Beth become boyfriend and girlfriend. Jay is given a firework gift by Billy, and they all celebrate.  

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