Chapter 11

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sorry im not editing this this time and im having major writors block

Hannah's POV

We walk over to a table, Luke, Matt, and I. It was sort of awkward not really because I had Matt by my side.


beep beep

I stare down at my phone.

Matt: Hey Hannah bout to go to football practice see you in a couple

I decided to text baack.

Hannah: okay see ya

I huffed as I sat on my bed. There's nothing to do.

''Hey mom.'' I yell from my room still on my bed.

''Yeah?'' She yells back.

''I'm going to the mall okay?'' I yell.

''What?'' She yells.

''What?'' I yell back.

I hear footsteps coming up to my door. My mom walks in.''What did you say?''

''I said im going to the mall today okay?'' I repeat.

She nods''Okay.''and leaves.

I stand up and walk to my drawer. What to wear, what to wear?

I finally decided on a black bandeau and a light pink maxi skirt(image to the right).

I lay the clothes on my bed and head to the shower.

We've been best friends...but now?(A Matt Espinosa fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now