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I look around my room
And see everything I could ever need
So why do I still feel so sad
I look at my family
And they are perfect
So nice and understanding
So why do I still feel they hate me
I look at my friends
They are all so kind to me
They are always there for me
So why do I still feel I can't talk to them when I'm upset
I have all these nice things
But I still feel like I have nothing
I have so many people there for me
But I still feel alone
Why does this have to happen to me
I used to love my life
I used to be happy
All it took was one bad thing
And that all went to shit
Now nothing is the same
I'm alone
I'm sad
I'm tired
But most of all
I'm confused
Why am I like this
Why can't I just be happy
Why me

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