Chapter 1: Roomies and Flirtations

Start from the beginning

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Troye's first class was Maths. And the grumpy, half-bald teacher, Mr. Allen, gave the class a crap seating chart. The classroom was dark and crowded and musty, Troye didn't like it at all. That bitterness increased tenfold when-
"Troye Sivan?"
Troye raised his hand slightly.
"You will sit in seat seven, over there next to Tyler."
Troye's eyes darted wearily to the figure in seat six, silently praying that it was a different Tyler. But of course, he had no such luck. Even when he was facing away, that vivid purple hair was unmistakable.
Troye mutely shuffled over to his seat. Maybe Tyler wouldn't notice him if he didn't draw attention to himself. Then he realized that that was a stupid thought. They sat by eachother in class, if he didn't see him within a few minutes, something was wrong. Maybe Tyler would just ignore him.
All Troye knew was that he was too humiliated and intimidated to face Tyler. How could he not be? The guy had made Troye melt with just a hand on his shoulder and a few well-chosen words. It astounded him how he could go from worshipping Tyler from afar to wanting to avoid him at all costs in such a short span of time. This was anxiety.
Troye busily picked at the skin around his fingernails, a bad, absent-minded habit he got when he was nervous.
"Hey, Roomie." Tyler said with a charming, innocent smile.
Troye raised an eyebrow at him. Did he really have the audacity to act so friendly towards him after what he'd intentionally done in the dorm?
Well maybe he didn't do it on purpose, Troye thought. Maybe it's just my insecurities getting to me.
It probably was, after all, why would so many people like Tyler if he was a jerk? Maybe he should give him a second chance. Maybe Troye was the one being a jerk.
"Hi." Troye said sheepishly, not looking up from his blank sheet of notebook paper.
Tyler smirked at having gotten a response, returning his attention to his own paper.

* * *

Tyler and Troye didn't interact much the rest of the day. Maths was still the only class Troye had with Tyler by lunchtime.
In the huge, ancient-looking cafeteria, large circular tables, about fifty, each seating eight people, were in rows along the dining hall. Troye sat near the back, reading a thick book and barely nibbling on his slice of pizza. No matter how prestigious this school seemed, it still served the regular, everyday food.
Connor and Hannah sat on either side of him happily scorfing their lunches. Troye was pretty sure that these two people were the only people he'd ever put a book down for. He folded his page, picked up his pizza slice and began eating.
"Connor," Troye said."you didn't tell me Tyler's rooming in our dorm."
Hannah gasped sharply and lurched towards Troye, startling him."You mean Tyler Oakley? You're rooming with him?"
"I didn't even know that!" Connor exclaimed. They gave each other knowing smirks.
Connor shook his head."Nothing, it's just . . . I'll be surprised if you graduate ninth grade with your virginity."
Hannah and Connor snickered while Troye blushed a deep red.
"Tyler's not like that. He's just friendly."
Connor scoffed."You're dealing with a player, Troye."
Troye frowned."I don't think he's that bad," he said quietly, taking another bite of his pizza. He looked up to see both if his friends staring at him, smiling.
"What?" He demanded, exasperated now.
"I think someone has a crush on someone."
Troye gasped."Shut up Hannah, no I don't!"
They insisted on teasing him. Troye did not have a crush on Tyler! He just found him cute . . . and sexy. But didn't everyone?
"But for real, Troye," Hannah said, her voice turning serious."You don't want to fall for him. He's the "Love 'em and leave 'em" type. He'll only break your heart."
Troye didn't say anything. Tyler didn't seem like that to him. Could he really be so heartless? Did his dashing looks and dazzling smile betray his personality that much?
"Listen, Troye. I have to go, but I'll see you later, okay? Just take our advice."
Troye nodded, waving Connor goodbye. Now it was just him and Hannah. But she didn't say anything, so Troye sipped on his carton of chocolate milk.
After two minutes of silence from Hannah, Troye glanced over in slight concern.
Hannah didn't notice Troye's stare. She tucked a loose strand of caramel brown hair behind her ear, staring into nothingness like it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.
"Hannah!" He snapped his fingers in her face. She blinked, waking from her daze.
"Sorry, Troye. I was just thinking."
Troye smiled slightly, but soon Hannah was spacing out again. Curiously, Troye followed her gaze, and was surprised when it landed on a very pretty girl in the crowd of kids, talking to some friends.
"Are you staring at her?" Troye asked, pointing bluntly. Hannah blushed crimson and slapped his hand away."No! And shut up!"
Troye giggled."You're lying. She's very pretty."
Hannah bit her lip."Yeah, she is. Do you think she's lesbian?"
"I don't know," Troye said."Why don't you go talk to her?"
Hannah slowly nodded, still looking at the girl."Yeah, I think I'll do that."
Troye smiled as Hannah stood and headed the girl's way. Hannah had been wanting a girlfriend for a while now, and he hoped she found a good relationship soon.
Troye's thoughts were interrupted as a group of people flooded his table, pulling out the seats and sitting around him. He was so shocked his mouth just hung open, and he stared around at them all. Out of five, Troye recognized three of them. One was Alfie Deyes, second most popular boy in school. He was like the beta to Tyler's alpha. The other was Caspar Lee. If anyone could compare to Tyler in social rank, it was him. Those three were best friends. He didn't recognize the other two girls. But what got him most was the boy who took a seat casually beside him, shoving Hannah's tray out of the way. It was none other than Tyler Oakley. They all just sat and smiled, as if this we're completely normal. It wasn't. There are laws of nature to obey.
This, as far as Troye could tell, was a group of the most popular kids in school. What the hell were they doing sitting with him, the awkward, clumsy basic kid?
"What's up, Roomie?" Tyler asked jovially, nudging him with his elbow. That title was getting annoying.
"Y'all, this is Troye!" Tyler said loudly. They all chorused,"Hi Troye,"
Troye felt his face flush.
"Troye, this is Alfie, Caspar, Mamrie and Grace." He introduced them, and Troye waved shyly.
"Whatcha reading?"
Before Troye could speak up, the book was snatched from him by Mamrie.
"The Perks of Being a Wallflower," she read out."What the hell is a wallflower?"
"It's pretty self-explanatory," Caspar said."It means a flower that grows on the wall."
"Then why would you want to be a wallflower?" Said Alfie."That makes zero sense. What are the perks of that?"
"Why don't we just ask Troye what it means?" Grace suggested, and everyone turned to Troye expectantly. Troye's mouth still hung open in utter bewilderment. He could not believe how absolutely obnoxious these people were. They didn't seem to realize their rudeness; waiting for Troye's response.
"You okay, Troye Boy?" Asked Mamrie. Troye closed his mouth. He cleared his throat and said quietly,"A wallflower is someone who hangs out on the sidelines. Thet don't talk a lot."
"Oh, so like you?"
Alfie thumped Caspar on the back of the head harshly.
"Ow!" Caspar exclaimed."What, it's true. . . ."
Tyler rolled his eyes at his friend's stupidity."Don't mind him. His mind is too clouded with the sex he doesn't get to focus on anything else."
The two girls said,"Oooh,"
"Burn!" Alfie laughed.
"Excuse me, I have no problem getting pussy. What about you, Tyler?"
Everyone laughed, knowing Tyler was gay. But Troye could tell that Caspar's words weren't cold-hearted; his eyes were filled with mirth.
"I don't need pussy, I get plenty of dick." Tyler sassed back.
"What about you, Troye-Boy?" Mamrie asked."Got any problem getting pussy? Because Grace would be more than happy to dish out. You're very cute."
They all laughed again when a Troye just shook his head slightly, in disbelief of these dirty-minded people.
"Guys, guys!" Tyler said, getting their attention."Troye likes dick."
Troye felt his cheeks flush under all the teens' gazes. How did Tyler even know that he was gay?
Tyler seemed to read his expression."My gaydar just screamed 'HOMO' when I saw you."
Troye blushed deeper, wishing he hadn't come to lunch today.
"Well look at you, ya Froot Loop!" Mamrie said loudly."Let me rephrase my queary: You got any trouble getting dick? Because Tyler would be more than happy to dish out."
The table erupted with laughter."She's not wrong, I'm a thirsty fucker," Tyler joked.
Troye's jaw dropped.
"You'll catch flies," Tyler chuckled, placing his fingers on Troye's chin and gently pushing up until Troye's mouth was closed."There," said Tyler, sounding satisfied. That was the last straw for Troye. He stood up abruptly, reaching across the table to pull his book out of a confused Mamrie's hands.
"It was really nice to meet you all," he said, pushing his chair in and backing away as he talked,"but I really should be going now."
And on that kind-of-rude note, he spun around and started for the exit of the cafeteria, leaving his half-empty tray on the table. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Alfie shrug and pull it to himself. Troye rolled his eyes and kept walking.
He hadn't made it two steps out of the large double doors when Tyler caught up to him, this time alone.
"Where are you going, twink?"
Troye ignored the suggestive title."To the library."
Tyler shook his head."Nothing."
It was at least a five minute walk to the library, and Troye could tell that Tyler planned on trailing him the whole way.
"What are you going to the library for?"
"To read."
Tyler scoffed."Is finding out what's in that book more important to you than me and my friends?"
Troye paused, not knowing what to say. It was like Tyler was trying to make him uncomfortable.
Tyler sighed."It's okay, you don't have to worry about that. I can tell you what happens. Charlie likes Sam, Sam doesn't like Charlie. Patrick is gay and his boyfriend and his father are dicks. Charlie struggles with his disorder and punches Patricks now ex-boyfriend in the face, then Patrick kisses Charlie. Then he's sorry for it and they're okay again. Sam realizes her boyfriend was a dick too, and she makes out with Charlie right before she and Patrick graduate and leave him to finish high school alone and his condition gets worse. It ends with him returning to the hospital."
Troye just stared at him, amused.
"Oh, have you not gotten to that part yet? I'm sorry." Tyler said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"As a matter of fact, I haven't. But it's a good thing I've already read this book."
Tyler returned Troye's playful smirk."You sly mother fucker. I underestimated you."
Troye was pleased at his tiny victory. He walked with a new skip in his step.
"Why do you re-read the book? Doesn't it get boring, knowing what's going to happen next?"
Troye crinkled his brow and bit his lip."I don't know, it's not like that. It's almost like . . . it's hard to explain. This might sound weird, but people read for escape, you know? To go into a world that's different from their own. Better, more exciting, where values exist. Like loyalty to death, and true love. And it's like, when you re-read the book, you pick up on more and more of that, of the story. Does that make sense?"
For a long moment, Tyler just stared at Troye, with something like curiosity or wonder in his eyes. Then he looked away, shaking his head."That was very poetic, but I think it's called obsession."
Troye chuckled hollowly."You're probably right."
"I know I am."
"Fuck you."
"Where and when, baby. I'm all for it." Tyler joked, but let his eyes scan slowly over Troye's body. Troye blushed, looking away and muttering,"Yeah, right."
Tyler laughed."You don't think I'm serious?"
Troye knew Tyler was kidding, but he couldn't detect a hint of dishonesty in his features. So he didn't answer.
Finally, they rounded another tall, intricately decorated corner, and Troye could see the large mahogany doors of the library just ahead. Troye smiled in triumph and almost jogged over, pushing on the brass handle. But the door didn't open.
"What the-"
He pushed again, with more vigor, but the door would not budge.
"Oh yeah, I should probably have mentioned that the library doesn't open until Sunday," Tyler said casually, picking at a nail. Troye could see the mischief glinting in his eye.
"What was the point of letting me think it was open? To mess with me?"
Tyler sighed."It was the only way I could get you to talk to me. You're too scared to sit still and have a conversation with new people. And I already told you," Tyler placed a warm hand on Troye's soft cheek, leaning in to whisper,"I wasn't messing with you when I said I'll fuck the virgin right out of you."
Troye turned beet red as Tyler pulled away, his mouth hanging open. Tyler just smiled innocently and said,"So we're friends now?"
Troye found his voice, and he straightened, dumbfounded and embarrassed."Go to hell."
"Ooh, talk dirty to me. You huwt my feewins. Until tonight, Troye Sivan. . . ."
Tyler bowed as if he'd put on a performance, backing away and turning around to leave.
"You made a great first impression today, Tyler Oakley!" Troye called, bitterly and sarcastically.
"Thanks, boo, it's what I strive for."
That guy and his empty flirts just made Troye want to scream and punch him in the face. But he couldn't bring himself to say that he hated him. And he couldn't bring himself to say that he didn't like the feeling of Tyler's warm breath washing over his neck.
But he still wanted to strangle the little bastard.


Chapter one by @bringcolourtomyskies
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