Chapter 19- Zetah: Mandrake The Bandit

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I pushed Defender to the campsite. 

"Tell him to come out." I growled. 

"Umm.." He started to say but was cut off. 

"Alright, I here you out there." A voice came from the tent.

 Then a blonde middle aged man came out. "What's this? Got caught already?"

He gestured to the way I was holding Defender, who wasn't even making an attempt to break free, like a hostage.  

Mandrake, I was assuming this was him, smelled filthy and his clothes looked like they weren't originally brown. He also wore a green bandana around his face like he was hiding from his own smell. 

 "Where are they?" I mumbled. 

"If you mean the missing, then they have been long gone to the sea of twilight. There's nothing you can do." He laughed. 

"Y-yes there is. You can tell me more." I glared at him, pressing the dagger closer to Defender's neck. This time blood started to leak onto the tip. 

"I can only tell you more if you defeat my pet." 

"What pet?" I was ready to do anything. 

"Plantona." He smirked. His long hair fell over his eyes. 

Then the ground shook violently as Mandrake laughed. "Now that I'm awake, it's much stronger and takes longer to kill!" 

I was about to let go of Defender and go fight when I heard a voice.

Many  familiar voices.

"Ready? Go!" I heard then I squinted to see people flying in the air. 

An enormous wave of arrows shot like a wave towards Plantona. 

"What?! Where did those imbeciles come from?!" Mandrake shouted. 

I could see two figures coming in this direction. 

"Gah! My pet! This can't be happening!" He fumed. 

I still held Defender and he was still silent. 

"Give it up Mandrake! Whatever you're doing stop it!" I turned to see Bris and Kc flying in the air. 

"No children like you can tell me anything! Silence!" He threw out a dagger. 

He's a rogue. 

I blinked, let go of Defender and dashed towards it. 

I managed to get there in time to block it. 

"I hope you wouldn't mind..if we just shot up your tent quick fast and in a hurry. Right?" Kc smirked pulling an arrow out of her quiver. 

I glanced at Kc and we both nodded. I immediately charged at Mandrake who was too busy fuming about his pet. I swung twice but he managed to dadge both. On the third swing he had his daggers out and they clashed with mine. 

 I felt myself being pushed into the ground so I pushed back. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw two flickers moving towards the tent. 

"You really think that you can beat me?" Mandrake sneered swinging wildly. 

Those two flickers I saw were actually flaming arrows and they were quickly lighting what looked like the main tent ablaze. 

Mandrake didn't notice this though because he was busy focusing on eliminating me. 

Every time our daggers clanged sparks flew. That's how fast we were going at each other. With every swing I could feel both of us getting more and more tired. 

Then I remembered I could stealth. Mandrake's eyes widened behind his hair showing their green color. 

"What's the matter? Can't you stealth?" I teased as soon as I poofed. 

He swung close gritting his teeth but I dodged it. 

"You know," I said getting closer. "You should go home." 

"You're in my territory." He grumbled and I ducked dodging another swing. 

"You should pay attention to your surroundings then." My stealth deactivating. 

Now I could see he was getting a full look of what was left of his camp. 

"I can put it out for you if you want you know!" Bris shouted. She pulled an arrow with a bluish glow and as soon as she shot it a wave came up from the ground following the tip of the arrow.

 I moved out of range just in time to see the entire camp, which consisted of three tents, a fence, and some unopened crates, being smashed against the mountain side.  

He tried to escape but failed to realize that we were all blocking his only exit. 

When he realized this though the rest of FairyTail was floating in the sky.

Hero, who made her mount turn back into it's card landed a couple of feet away.

 "So," She walked past me towards Mandrake but stopped." Oh man, what is that rancid smell?" 

"It's him." We all turned to see Defender leaning against a rock. I had expected him to have run away by now. 

"Okay.." Hero nodded then turned towards me. "What'd you find?" 

"He said that they were being taken to The Sea of Twilight." 

"Isn't that that mountain that's all red with that weird Alter at the top?" Aly thought. 

"Yes, Yes. The Alter of Sacrifice." Mandrake mumbled. 

"I can help." Defender stood. 

"Do you know what you're doing boy?" Mandrake hissed. "You're getting yourself killed." 

Defender ignored him walking to Mandrake's now smashed campsite. 

"Zu," He said. "Help me, please." 

Hero nodded and Zuzu took out his sword and helped Defender cut an opening in the top of on of the tents. 

We all watched as Defender pulled out a crate and cracked it open. 

"I know how you can become better in battle. These will help." He pulled out some scrolls and a couple of eggs. 

"Ummm..what do we do about this guy over here..?" 

"I've got it this time." Kyo shot an arrow that hit his sleeve and sticking him to the ground. 

She did this repeatedly until his clothes pinned him to the ground and there was for sure no possible way for him to get up on his own. 

"You can take these back to your guild house." Defender gestured towards the eggs and scrolls. 

"but we don't know how to use these," Hero said. I saw her take a huge gulp. "We'll need your help Defender." 

It was risky taking a non-guild person to a guild home. You never know what they might do. Even if it was a safe zone. 

Defender nodded though and we rode our mounts right back to Starglade. 


Erhem! Attention! Attention! May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room! Lol okay I didn't really need your attention. It's just a song XD 

As you can seee! I updated.

XD Okay, I may have a computer but if i haven't said so already this summer is going to get kind of hectic in a lil bit. :P I'll be busy runnin' all over the place doin stuff. XD so yea, all I wanted you to know so if I don't update in like a month.. that right there is a reason. 


vote! comment? XD 

(Sorry for any typos..)


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