Ch.2 Unicron~

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Megatron pov

The femme was perched in the corner of my den and i eyed her interestingly until i heard unicron in my helm again.

"MEGATRON!" he shouted viciously causing me to flinch and say "Yes lord unicron?" he chuckled "Obviously you dont know all the effects of dark energon, you see if you make her your mate you are also signing her over to me as my mate as well not that i mind she is a delectable looking femme~"

I growled at him and he chuckeld and put me in more pain while laughing evily.

The femme got up from the corner and approached me gently and tapped my muzzle with hers and i looked into her optics with a pained expression and she instantly gave me warmth and comfort which subsided the pain a little bit.

Unicron pov

Megatron was a fool if he thought he could protect her from me i was more dominant in every way to him he wouldnt stand a chance and i was on my way to get her.

I saw the entrance to his cave and walked in i saw the femme in the corner with megatron i dont know why it did but it angered me greatly and i picked up megatron and threw him against the wall ignoring the femmes pleas to stop.

I then walked towards the femme and she backed up against the wall and i chuckled lightly "I wont hurt you~" she gave me a suspicious look and said quietly "what do you want?" i bent down and whispered "As megatron used dark energon and he is having you as his mate he basicly signed you over to me and i dont tend to share my things~" she looked shocked and i smiled slyly while picking her up and flying her back to my hive.

I dropped her into my hive and she hissed at me while i pushed her forward with my muzzle beckoning her forward into another connected cave and in the room awaited all of megatrons assistants who were now mine, they all looked at her and edged forward with strange looks on their faces so i growled and they backed off of the femme.

My group included of Starscream, Knockout, Breakdown, Shockwave,Soundwave and Dreadwing they all supported megatron before but as i am alpha they obey me now.

I left the femme in the room with them and told them if they even touch her there will be serious consaquenses i left to see megatron and show him that i had the femme and smiled as i caused him mental torment.

I walked back into the main cave to see my femme backed into the corner by shockwave who did nothing but just look at her strangely and i stayed out of sight and watched, he then stood in front of her and turned to the group of mechs and growled and walked off he was showing signs of loyalty to my words for that i respected him.

I turned to the femme and ushered her back in the corner and she curled around herself and then i curled around her ignoring the stares of the group before going into recharge.

Yayyyyy dragonformers update enjoy! Love ya byeeee xxx 😄😜💛💚💜💙💖

Crystalarcee out-

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