What!? ch2

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Jun's eyes began to flutter open, "Mom are you okay?" her son jack asked, Jun mound "OOOOO...what happened?"she asked,"You fainted." arcee stated, jun looked to her, "Why?" she asked than she remembered what happened when she walked into the grudge, "Arcee! your pregnant!" she shouted than she looked to jack, "And you're the father!" she shouted, Jack flinched at her yelling, "Yes mom." he said "Can we tone it down a notch?" he asked her quietly, jun stood up and began pacing, "This is not good not good not good not good at all." she mumbled as she paced, Arcee and jack looked at each other, "Jack there's something i need to tell you." jun sayed stoping her pacing and facing her son. "Ya mom?" jack asked, Jun took a deep breath, "We..we need to head outside." she said as she grabbed her keys from the rack by the garage door, "Arcee you can still transform right?" she asked opening the garage door. Arcee looked to her sparkmate with a corked opteck ridge, "Yes jun, i can." she said, "Than transforme and follow." she ordered getting in her car and driving off. Arcee and jack looked at one another before shrugging and following.

outside of jasper:

"So what are we doing out here?" jack asked desmonting arcee as he examined the nevada sun rising in the distance, "Jack you're not human." jun sayed, Jack and arcee snapped there gas in her direction, "What?" they both asked, Jun sighed "It's easier to just show you." she said as her forme glowed, only her outlining visible, she began to grow in size. When the light faded a pink cybertronian the same size as arcee stood in juns place. "Elita?" arcee asked shocked, Elita smiled, "Hows it going little sis." she said "How? is this possible?" arcee asked Elita looked to jack, "Jack I need you to think of transforming." Jack looked shocked "What? Why?" he asked, "Jack trust me." elita said calmly, jack sighed before nodding and closing his eyes. He felt a warmth spread over his body like a warm blanket at night, He heard arcee gasp, He opened his eyes thinking she was endanger. He towered over both elita and arcee, He looked down at his body, It was metal. "What? but how?" he asked looking to elita, "Your true name is hot rod." She said, "But how was I human? how where you human?" jack asked, "You are the son of optimus prime those born of a prime are blessed by primus, you were gifted with the ability to change your spices." elita explained, arcee looked shocked, "But if your his carrier than that means...." arcee began, "Your his aunt." eltia said sadly, Jack looked to his mother shocked before turning to his sparkmate, "Arcee?" he asked carefully as he saw tears building in her optics, "It's going to be ok." he assured stepping closer, she took a step back, jack stopped his present, "arcee?" he asked pleadingly, "J-jack...do you know what this means?" she asked, jack looked down, "I--I know what it means on cybertron, but we are not on cybertron." he answered, Arcee shook her head, "Jack." she sobbed as she rushed him and snuggled as deep as she could into his chase, "I know i know, it's going to be okay, we will figure this out." he cooed to his sparkmate sending her comfort through their bond, arcee relaxed, elita stepped forward, "Arcee I'm sorry I sh...." before eleta could finish her apology a ground bridge opened not far from their position, Eleita activated her weapons, jack pushed arcee behind him as he drew from his hip a revolver looking blaster, IF it were under better circumstances he would have been shocked he new where it was and how he felt he new how to use it, but now was not the time. his only focus was defending his sparkmate. Optimus, bulkhead and bumblebee came out of the bridge blasters drawn. Optimizes optics wide and when he spotted elita, "Elita!" optimus shouted in surprise, "Optimus!" eletia shouted in turn disarming her blasters and rushing forward to her mate, optimus doing the same. Bulkhead and bumblebee allow disabled their weapons as they saw elita. Optimus and elita inbrased each other as they met in the middle, "It's so good to see you my love." Elita sayed as she buried her head into optimus's chassy, "Where have you been?" optimus asked her as they pulled apart, "Oh you know evading megatron, evading cons, evading humans, the usual." she jacked, optimus chuckled, his optics caught the sight of jack and arcee. "Who is he." Optimus asked as he stopped more in front of his sparkmate, "It's alright optimus." eleta sayed stepping forward, "This is are son." She sayed, "Hot rod" Jack looked to optimus and back to elita, she gave him a look that said, not to tell him who he really was. "I thought you'd be taller?" jack tried to joke as he rubbed the back of his head, optimus looked jack over, After studying him for a time he reached out with his bound and felt jack meet him halfway there. Optimus looked shocked, "My son?" he asked, jack nodded slowly, optams smiled "it would appear that we have some new guest at base." he said turning to the still open ground bridge, he looked back to elita, arcee and jack, "Let us return to base and continue are renuin, the decepticons have no doubt already picked up your signals." he stated, Eletia nodded and followed her mate through the bridge the others following closely.

Autobot base:

The six bots passed through the groundbridge and into the autobot base, The ground bridge closed, Ratchet turned to the team, "what was...." He began as he noticed elita and jack, "By the allspark! Elita!?" ratchet exclaimed, eluta chuckled, "Nice to meet you too ratchet." She said, Ratchet still looked stunned before he noticed jack, "And who might he be?" he asked, Elita looked to her son before answering, "THis is hotrod mine and optamissis son." ratchets optics widened even more. Bulkhead chuckled before slapping jack on the back, "Ya! a spitting image of optimus! Know the cons got something to worry about we got two primes on theam Prime!" he exclaimed excitedly. Ratchet noticed arcee hanging closely to hot rod, "Arcee?" he questioned, "I thought you were at jacks residents?" every optice turned to her, jacks hand rested on the grip of his blaster, no one noticed, "I-I was but i picked up the energy signatures and decided to investigate." she said quickly, ratchet looked at her not convinced, the others took this as a reliable explanation and shrugged it off. "It is good to see you again elita." optimus said to his sparkmate, "But I must ask how you came to earth?" Elita sighed, "Its a long story but in short we spent much of are time in space in stass." she answered, "It was only sixteen earth years ago that we got caught in earth's gravity well and were forced to crash land." she continued, "From there we stayed hidden merged with the crowd as they say here on earth." Optimus noded, "How did you come to jasper nevada?" Bulkhead asked, Elita smiled "I began picking up autobot signals every once in awhile over her and we decided to investigate." she said nothing to jack. Jaks hand still rest on his revolver, the others took noticed. Elita scoled "Hotrod!" she scorned, Jack slowly took his hand off but remain tense. "Uh is he alright?" bulkhead asked elita, jack scold, elita ignored it, "He's fine he just wishes to protect those he loves." she answered, optimus looked to his son, "No one here will heart elita, not on my watch." optimus said boldly, Jack nodded, "As long as they don't hurt the ones I love they will not be harmed." jack said carefully, relaxing ever so slightly at the comfort sent from his sparkmate. Elita decided to end the conversation, "Well it's late and we have all had a long day i believe we all need rest." she half stated half ordered them, Optimus nodded, "I agree." he turned in the direction to his quarters, "Shall we?" he asked his spark mate, she nodded, the others heading in the direction of three quarters as well. the command center was empty off all bot except for three, Ratchet looked to jack expecting him to follow elita, he stayed, ratchet shrugged and turned to arcee, "Did you tell him?" he asked harshly, Jacks hand began to twitch, ratchet notice, "There is a open room near optimus's quarters if you wish." he said. Jack still stood his ground, "Is there something you need?" he snapped, "Ratchet calm down there is something that we need to tell you." arcee sayed stepping between the two, Rahat looked spectacular, "Oh and what pray tell is that?" he asked, Arcee looked down at the ground before looking up at jack, Jack stepped forward hugging arcee close to his body, "Arcee and I are sparkmates." jack stated, ratchet scored, "impossible she already has a sparkmate." he said, Arcee shook her head, "Ratchet Jack is hot rod." She said, ratchet looked shocked, "Impossible! he's human!" he exclaimed, Jack shook his head before turning back to his human form, Ratchet stepped back in shock, "What!but how?" he stuttered out, "IT's my gift." jack answered, "For being a son of a prime." jack stated, Ratchet looked to arcee, "Did you..." he began, "No didn't and nether did jack." arcee cut him off, Rachet still looked confused, "Bu jun.." "Is elita." jack cut him off also, "I can share my gift with those connected with me, like my parents and arcee." jack said as he reverted back to his autobot form, ratchet sighed, "You do know what are laws are right?" he asked jack, jack gave rachel a cold look, "We are not on cybertron." he stated. "But we still follow are laws!" ratchet snapped, Before calming down, "WE must follow them or else we are no better than the decepticons." Jack narrowed his eyes, "IF you plan to try and kill my sparkmate, who is carrying my sprinkling, I will not hesitate to rip out your spark in front of your very opticks." jack said coldly, ratchet took another step back, Arcee put a hand on jacks arm, "It won't come to that." she said, Looking in the direction that optimus and elita when, "Optimus and elita won't allow it." she said turning back to rachet, "This stays between us till elita orders otherwise." she said to him, Ratchet shook his head, "Fine, but if and when cybertron is revived, others will not care if you are the son of a prime." ratchet said turning to his computer and typing at it fiercely, "I suggest you both get some rest." he said without looking at them, jack nodded and lead arcee to her quarters.

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