ابدأ من البداية

Kol just nods as he backs out of the drive way and guns in to the hospital.
The ride there was full of gasps of pain from me, and cuss words from Kol

Getting to the hospital and parking, Kol rushes to help me down and in the building.
I don't think I've ever seen him so panicked before.

He rushes up to the desk and snaps at the lady behind the desk.

" I need a doctor, my sister's having her kid NOW" he snaps as he slams his hands down on the desk.

With a snotty look she snaps her head up and opens her mouth. But before she can say a word.

Chloe a nurse in the maternity ward that is friends of the club, by friends I mean she sleeps with my brother, rushes over with a wheelchair.

" I've got this thanks Janice" she says as she helps me in the chair and walks quickly to the elevstore, Kol jogging behind.

"More Braxton hickes?" She asks after We're in the elevator.

"No I don't think so, my water broke a half hour ago." I say threw my teeth.

"Okay, we'll get you in a room and see what's going on" she says as the doors open and she walks me to a room.

After she gets me in a room and in a bed, and hooked up to the machines, she hands me the paper work to feel out while she gets my doctor.

Kol is still trying to get a hold of Elijah, while pacing up and down the room.

When they come in to check me, he goes into the hall and still pacing.

Even though my water broke I'm only dilated a two. So I have a bit to go.

As every hour passes the pain gets worse, and so does Kols pacing.
Still not able to reach Elijah or any of my other brothers.

As my labor goes on through the night he's been by my side, getting me ice chips, letting me crush his hand and just talking to me.

Finally at 1:30 in the morning I'm fully dilated and ready to push.

Looking over at Kol " please don't leave me to do this alone" I say with tears running down my face.

He moves close up to my head while they get me ready.
" I'm not going anywhere little bird" he says as he grabs my hand.

I felt the worse pain of my life that night, and I know I crushed his hand but he never let go of my hand.

And at one point when I was ready to give up, beacuse the pain was just to much.

He leans close to my head and pushes my damp hair of my sweaty forehead and says.
" You can do this little bird, I know it hurts but your doing good, but you can't give up, the brats need you, your not a quieter. Just a little bit more and it will all be over, and you'll get the good drugs and all well be good. Okay just keep pushing"

I nod my head and push with everything I have, and scream and cry as the worst pain yet goes through me.

A burning sensation hits next and I hear the doctor say the baby is crowning. I push harder, and soon I hear the cry of baby A.

Crying harder it's not even three minutes later I'm feeling the burning pain again and push with all the strength I have left.

And soon I hear the cry of baby B.
I did it , I made it through it.

I can still hear their cries, as well as Kols emotional laugh.

I look up at him through my tears.

He smiles at " You did it little bird, their here." He says softly.

It's all goes by in a blur after the after birth, the clean up of both me And the babies. And the next thing I know is Kols back by my head.

" The boys are here, in the waiting room, Elijah, Cas and Mace, are right outside the door, you ready to see them?" He ask me softly.

I nod my head and soon the rest of my brothers are in the room giving my head kisses.

When I finally get to hold my sons I couldn't help but start to cry.

They were possible the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, I could see the similarities between them and their father.

The had lightly tanned skin, and heads full of black hair. They had the same nose and pouty lips as their dad as well. I could help but feel over come with emotions as I looked at them.

"Their beautiful little bird" Cas says as he runs his finger over their soft cheeks.

"Thank you" I say with a soft voice.

"What are their names?" Elijah ask as he to looks at his nephews.

Looking down at what now are my whole world, I know what to name them. In this moment I just know.

"Baby A is Abel Matthew winston
Baby B is Aiden jace Winston " I say as I look at their beautiful faces.

Named after the brother who's always  been my protector. And the man who help give me my world.

As my family all gathers around my sons and the club cheers for the two new additions to our family, for the first time in a long time I feel happy.

And so

On February 13th

Abel Matthew Winston  was born at 2:32 am and was 5lb 2 onz 14inchs long

Aiden Jace Winston was born at 2:35 am and was 5lb 1 onz and 14 inches long.

Welcome to the world my beautiful sons. Was my last thought as I drifted off to much need sleep.


Hello lovelies,

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY !! Hope you all have a good one.

I do not own the harry potter movies.

Hope you all enjoy the chapter.
Thank you for reading


SOULLESS  ~Devil's Saints MC~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن