valentines day special • jayson tatum

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this one is 4 -queenariele

happy Valentine's Day go to your ugly mans

"Happy Valentines Day Gab!" Jayson said kissing up your neck as you woke up. You yawned with a smile and turned to face him.

"Happy Valentines Day Jay," you kissed him lightly. Jayson smiled, his face lit up with excitement. He rolled over quickly and got something from the nightstand.

"What are you looking for?" you laugh as he rolls back over with his arms behind his back. He sat up and looked down at you with a smile.

"I know you said no gifts, but I had to," Jayson said pulling out an open box with a diamond necklace in it. You sat up and looked at him in shock.

"Oh my God," you breathed looking down at the expensive necklace, "Baby you didn't have to do this,"

"I know," he said smiling motioning for you to turn around so he could put it on you, "I just wanted to get you something special. Today is about showing the person you love that you love them. And Gabryana Ariele Tatum, I love you very much,"

"But Jayson I didn't get you anything but a card," you say looking over your shoulder as he finishes clasping the necklace. He leans down to kiss your shoulder.

"Well," he said quietly, "you know what would be a great gift,"

"What?" you whisper leaning back into him.

"If you would just wear the necklace for me," he paused and kissed your temple, "and only the necklace,"

You laugh and turn around to see the laughing boy in your bed. After he stops laughing his eyes get serious as you lean down over him, "I guess that would be an easy gift to give to the guy I love," He smiled as you leaned down to kiss him.

short and sappy but oh well

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