sparckmates ch1

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Jack sighed, "One more minute, just one more minute." he said as the seconds ticked by. Jackson darby waited for his shift to end at the ko burger. "Come on come on." he chanted quietly, as if father time felt bad for him the clock struck 4:30, "Finaly, he said as he hung up his uniform and headed to the entrance. There waiting in the parking lot was his blue and pink motorcycle, "Oh how i have missed you." he said mounting the bike, "Long day, jack." the bike chuckled, "You have no idea arcee." he said as they speed off, "Oh i think i know after all i just spent entire day without my sparkmate." arcee said lovingly, Jack chuckled as he rubbed arceus gas tank, "Ya me too" he said, arcee poured at his touch. THey neared the autobot base the hidden doors open at their arrival, Arcee speed in screeching to a stop as they reached the command center. 'come along my love' arcee sayed over there bond as he desmonted her and she transformed heading in the direction of her corters, 'right behind you.' he replied.

It had been two months since his mother was abducted by MECH and Arched, only two weeks after the incident he confessed his love to arcee, arcee stunned also confessed her love, a mouth later they became sparkmates. jack had spent the best two weeks he had ever had with his sparkmate, and he hoped that the days to come would too.

The next day arcee's quarters:

Arcee onlined her optics "Uhhhhh" she grunted as she sat up. She slowly got up from her birth checking the time on her heads up display, 3:00 AM it read, "Earlier than i usually get up." she said "I wonder..." before she could finish her thought her tanks began to turn and she rushed to the wash rack in her room. She pushed the energon within her pants down it's drain. "That's never happened before" she mumbled as she wiped some energon from her mouth. she began to stand before falling to her knees again and perching again, "What the scrap!" she cursed, on shaky peds she slowly stood before gaining her balance and heading to her door. she entered the command center and saw ratchet at one of the consoles, he turned to her, "Arcee what are you doing up?" he asked, before arcee could reply she felt her tanks turn again she rushed to a nearby bucket and purchased, "What in primus!" ratchet shouted running to her side, "How long has this be happening?" he asked as he helped her to the medical berth, "Just this morning, i purchased twice in my wash rack." she said tiredly, Ratchet looked worried, "I will run a scan." he said as he began to scan arcee from helm to ped, "There should get the results soon." he said looking at the screen, he turned back to arcee seeing the expression on her face he grabbed a empty bucket and handed it to her as she pushed again. his screen beeped signaling it was done, as he read over the data he gasped, "Impossible!" he shouted, checking the data again, Arcee looked worried, "What? what's wrong?" she asked, ratchet looked at her with shock still on his face, "The scan shows that you are sparked!" he shouted, arcee stared at him for a minute before her processor caught up to what he said-What?" she stammered, "It's impossible!" ratchet continued, "In Order for you to be sparked you would have to be sparkhound." Ratchet stared at her intently, "Who's the sire?" he asked, arcee did not answer to shocked to answer. "Arcee!" he shouted, gaining her entchen, "Who is the sire!?" he ordered "I-I can't saye." She stuttered looking away, Ratchet looked angry, "Arcee I need to know!" he shouted, Arcee began to cry, "Ratchet it's something that i can't say unless he agrees!" she sobbed, "We promised that we would only tell when we were ready." she continued to cry, Ratchet softened his gase, "Who is the sire?" he asked calmer, "J-Jack." she whispered, "What!?" ratchet exclaimed, "How!?, When?" he asked, "For--for a while now." she said in between sobs, "About two weeks." SHe said, "By primus!" ratchet exclaimed, arcee flinched, "What know?" she asked quietly, Rachel sighed, "I will ask optimus." Arcee snapped her gase up to ratchet pleading, "Please ratchet! let me tell jack first and ask him first." She begged, "After i tell him we will tell optimus." she said sadly, ratchet looked at her hesetly, "Alright but you will tell him soon, before the sparkling comes." Ratchet sayed, Arcee smiled, "Thank you" she said, "Ep, ep,ep! just be careful every other day you will need to come to me so i can give you extra rations, after three months you begin to show and will be prohibited from transforming and you will require more energon." he said walking over to a cube of energon he was going to use, handing it to her, "her take this and i will open a bridge to jacks home." he ordered as she took the cube and downed it, he helped her off the birth and to the ground bridge controls. he entered the coordinates and activated the bridge. "Be careful." he said as she nodded and walked through.

Darby home:

As she came to the familiar darby garage the ground bridge turned off, arcee took a deep breath, she reopened her bond to jack, she had started to close their bond off so when she had her nightmares he would not wake to her feelings of pain and fear. 'jack we need to talk' she said through the bond, she heard a gasp and then the sound of sheets being through off and quick footsteps running down the stairs, the door to the garage flue open, "What's wrong!?" he asked worriedly, "Its okay sweets park just calm down." she cooed as she sat on the floor and lean against the rainforest walls, "I found something out today that needs to be shared with you." she said as tears began to build up within her eyes, "R-Ratchet found out about are bound." she stuttered, Jack calmly walked up to her side and placed his hand on top of hers, "Its alright, its alright." he cooed, "Can you tell me what happened?" he asked, she nodded her head, "I woke up this morning with a sore tank, i purged in my wash rack." she said, Jack looked worried, "Are you alright?" he asked, SHe nodded, "Yes, I went to rachet after that and he ran a scan." she hesitated, Jack looked more concerned, "What did it say?" he asked "III-it said...I'm-I'm sparked." she stuttered as she looked down preparing herself to be yelled at and kicked out. Jack looked shocked, than he looked happy, "Arcee! this is a miracle!" he shouted, Arcee looked at him shocked, "Yyyy-your not made?" she asked, Jack looked at her like she was crazy, "Mad?" he asked, "Why would I be made? I'm going to be a father! your going to be a Mother!" he said excitedly, arcee processed what he was saying before smiling, "Iii-I guess i am art I?" she said as she looked at her stomach and began rubbing it slowly, she felt warmth through her hand, "I'm a mother." she said quietly, jack smiled placing his hand over hers, "Yes yes you are, Where parents!" he said quietly but excited at the same time, arcee continued to smile before she heard a voice call from inside the house, "Jack! are you alright?" jun called as she intured the gurage, Arcee smiled, "Everything's fine june." she said, "Is everything okay arcee? your crying." jun sayed, Arcee noticed the tears on her checks, "I'm fine jun there tears of joy." She said June looked puzzled, "And why is that?" she asked curiously, Arcee laughed, "I just found out that i'm carrying." she said, june looked shocked, "W-what?" she stuttered out, "It means pregnant in human terms." arcee clarified, Jun still looked shocked, "Whos the father?" she finally asked, arcee hesitated, she looked to jack for permission, he slowly nodded, "I think it's time she new." he said, turning to his mom, Jun looked at her son then to arcee than back again resiliation hitting her like a freight train, "Jun. jack is the father, he is my sarkmate." arcee sayed, Jun started to tilt back and forth, "Mom?" jack asked "You alright?" jun fell over unconscious.

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