The War

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"My name is Tourmaline."

With one push, Tourmaline threw Cinnabar back, causing her to stumble and trip over herself as she got her bearings. Gripping her stomach, she tried to stand tall. That hurt, she thought. More than it should've. It infuriated her. She wasn't going to let them hurt her again. Tourmaline crossed their arms and stomped down, shattering the scythe Cinnabar had left on the ground.

"Your name doesn't matter," Cinnabar said, recovering and summoning another scythe. "Your time ends here."

She quickly shuffled the Gems in her hand, counting to make sure she hadn't dropped one in the impact. The last thing she needed was one of those blasted traitors to help the abomin... The crime against... The fusion, Cinnabar thought. The fusion.

Tourmaline summoned a shield, inflating it to nearly double its size. Then, they began to move. With their shield on their left, they walked to the right, keeping their sight locked on Cinnabar. The Commander mirrored their movement, and soon the two found themselves circling each other. Their orbits grew further apart as they both gave themselves a good amount of distance between them.

Then, they stopped.

Cinnabar and Tourmaline faced each other, holding their weapons in front of them. Cinnabar shuffled the Gems against the handle of her scythe before stopping and taking position. She took a wide stance, followed by Tourmaline who did the same. This game of charades quickly grew on Cinnabar's nerves. It was time to end it.

The two sprinted towards each other, the distance between them closing fast. Strawberries and brush were thrown into the air as the two rocketed through the knee-high bushes. They began to circle around each other again as they converged to the center. And then, it came.


Cinnabar swung her scythe low, only for Tourmaline to block. The weapons clashed, sending out a resonating shockwave that forced the two to jump back about a meter. Moments later, however, they crashed again.

Tourmaline slammed their shield into Cinnabar's right, blocking her weapon while they grabbed the wrist holding the Gems. Cinnabar kicked up against the bottom of the shield, throwing Tourmaline back. They leapt as they landed, throwing their shield once they hit the peak of their jump.

Cinnabar's eyes narrowed as the shield rocketed past her, missing her by a wide margin. As Tourmaline landed, however, they reared their fist back. The shield turned and shot forward, slamming Cinnabar in her back and causing her to stumble forward.

"Aha!" Tourmaline took this opportunity to summon and throw two more shields, using their powers to deliver the discs.

"Ghrrr," Cinnabar growled as she ran forward, using her scythe to deflect the two projectiles as they flew at her. Tourmaline was forced to summon a shield to defend themself as Cinnabar crashed into them. She leapt and kicked into Tourmaline's defense, forcing them back as Cinnabar pushed them away. "Take—"

Tourmaline barreled forward, pinning Cinnabar to the front of their shield as they did so. The Commander pressed the handle of her scythe against Tourmaline's defense, grunting as they plowed her back. She turned her weapon, allowing the blade to hang over the edge of the shield. With one twist, she pulled on her scythe, attempting to rip the shield away from Tourmaline. They held on tight, however, the motion turning them away and exposing their back.

Cinnabar reared back to deliver a blow, but Tourmaline reacted with a sidekick to her gut instead. She doubled over again as Tourmaline did a complete turn and slammed the right side of their shield into her. She flew back, skidding into the strawberry bushes.

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