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"Being an Animagus is a lot harder than I originally thought..." Rosalie mumbled, disappointed with what she had read. Chewing the inside of her cheek she wondered whether it was worth trying. Neville was right, it was risky compared to most other projects she tried to complete. Her eyes glanced down to James, whose head laid on her lap, his eyes looking up at her.

"I wonder what I'd be..." She thought. "I hope I'm a cool animal, would hate to do everything and then become a worm or something." She laughed to herself at the thought. "A dog would be fun," she smiled ruffling the hairs on James' head "or a Lion like the Gryffindor house symbol," she felt her shoulders rise slightly, as her chest puffed out and head rose, she smiled at the thought. "A proud lioness," looking off at the horizon she wondered more. "Or maybe a wolf." She looked back down to James who ears raised quickly  "looks like a dog but has the power of a lion." She smirked at the thought.

Her eyes scanned the area once more, many students were walking around which meant lunch had come to an end. Sighing softly as she patted his head.

"Unfortunately I've got to get off to class now, but I'll be back soon."

Shutting her book with a huff she stood up and wiped off any dirt that may have remained on her uniform. She looked to the sky, it wasn't raining, which Rosalie was glad about but the sun rays were barely able to pierce through the thick clouds that laid across the sky. Despite not getting it often, she enjoyed the sunshine and often allowed her imaginations to wander off as she was in the blazing hot every day. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath as she reopened them, her imagination taking over as the grass became greener and the water became cleaner, the sun shined bright in the sky. The sun rays touching all the flowers that bloomed around Rosalie. Her smile was as radiant as the sun, she looked down to her fingers, and from the corner of her eye she watched the water, she wriggled her fingers, ever so slightly, causing the bright blue water to ripple. Her sight never leaving the little waves as they continued into the centre of the lake. Many fish jumped in and out of the water as if they enjoyed the sunshine too. Mermaids swam around freely, not a care in the world for anything around them. Not much further behind them grew large beautiful trees, leaves as green as they could be and flowers brighter than the sun itself. Taking a deep breath she hummed happily at the smell of fresh air, her senses tingling as a strong smell of sunscreen hit her nose, and a loud sizzling noise rang in her ears. Rosalie's eyes pinged open, her curiosity wandering where these sounds and smells were coming from.


Rosalie was as shocked as she was happy to see her mother next to her, sitting on a blanket with picnic food surrounding her. Lily Potter smiled up at her daughter, her sunhat large, ensuring no sun would go near her pale face or onto the little baby she held in her hands.


"Go on honey, show dad what you learnt." She marvelled to her daughter. Rosalie's eyes looked up to see her father - James Potter - standing next to the barbecue, cooking sausages, an apron wrapped around him with the words 'My Patronus is a cupcake' on it, making Rosalie giggle inside. Against her will, Rosalie seemed to do as her mother asked. Looking back at the water she raised her hands, she glanced back to her parents who were still smiling bright, waiting for her. Taking a deep breath she quickly lifted her hands up further, causing a patch of water on each side to do the same. Rosalie held her hands steady, both streams of water representing either hand. Her breathing slowed down as she focused intensely on the water. One by one her fingers on her left hand flicked inwards, almost like she was playing the piano lightly in the air. As she repeated it multiple times the water slowly started to turn. She then proceeded to do the same with her right hand. Both hands had the same rhythm, to the song her mum used to sing to her when she was younger.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star... Rosalie sang in her head as her fingers flicked with each beat. Both streams of water slowing started to spin.

"Well done honey keep going!" She heard her dad say from the sides, almost like her own personal cheerleader. The streams started spinning faster and larger but they felt heavier on Rosalie's hands. 

"Come on you can do it!" With a deep breath she lowered her hands, her fingers slowly closing, and as she let her breath go she threw her hands upwards while releasing her fingers. The streams of the water both launched into the air, they came together into the centre and span around each other. Like a mini water tornado hurdling upwards, both streams circled each other perfectly.

"YES, THAT'S MY GOD DAUGHTER!" Another voice Rosalie didn't recognize yelled, her head snapped to the direction of the voice to see a tall man standing next to her father, he had long, shaggy black hair and it didn't take her long to realise it was the one and only Sirius Black, next to him stood a little girl with jet black hair but before she could even react Rosalie felt someone push her into the water.

Reality hit back. 

The once clear blue water had once again become grey and murky. Rosalie quickly swam to the surface, taking a needed deep breath as she emerged. Everything became entirely dark again, the sun no longer bright in the sky but hidden behind the thick grey clouds. All the flowers and trees looked dead and school students replaced her parents. The water from above came splashing down on top of her, as the two Slytherin students that pushed her in yelled.


Tears threaten to fall as she made her way out of the lake. She could see James - the dog-  from the corner of her eye, he laid deep in the shadows not allowing her to see what he was doing. She sighed deeply as she examined her clothes and books, everything soaking wet. Many students going past were laughing at her making her turn her back to them. She didn't want to bring any more attention to herself. Tears made their way down her face, no matter how hard she tried to stop them. She felt humiliated once again at the place she wanted to love. Harry always said how Hogwarts was so much better than the Dursley's but sometimes she wasn't sure which was worse.

"Rosalie?" A worried voice from behind made her tense up. Quickly wiping away her tears she turned to see the one and only Professor Lupin.

"Professor!" She faked a smile at him "I kinda fell into the lake..." She force laughed looking herself up and down, but Remus' expression didn't change. His face full of worry and concern for her, he knew exactly what had happened. He got his wand out and whispered a spell, making Rosalie and all her belongings dry again. A genuine smile came onto her face.

"Thank you, Professor. Now I won't be late for another lesson!" She tried to slip away but he stopped her.

"Come on, let's go get you a drink and talk."

The Little Flower (Remus Lupin) ✓Where stories live. Discover now