❥ chapter XXIX

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The bay was only a stone's throw from your home—a mere five-minute walk, if not less—and adjoined Hydrus Village. You came here from time to time, either on your own or with your friends, to have a swim in the cool water, collect pretty shells, observe animals and Water-type Pokémon both on the beach and in the water, or sunbathe ... so long as the weather was fine, of course.

Although the bay was fairly small (and more of an inlet, really), there always were a couple of people around, most of them being fishermen. Since Hydrus Island didn't have a direct connection to the mainland like Hydra Island with a ferry going back and forth between Hydra Town and Spica City every thirty minutes, the isle's inhabitants either worked on the neighbouring island or earned their living by catching fish here at this inlet. Some of them set up their fishing rod on the pier while others sailed out onto the open sea in their boats or on the backs of their Pokémon.

Sometimes, you came across a handful of visitors from the mainland and even the occasional tourist who had heard about this insider's tip. The beauty of this bay was not to be sneezed at, after all. The sand was of a lovely pale cream colour and felt pleasantly smooth to the touch, and the beach itself was strewn with boulders. Some of them were perfect for lying on to bask in the sun.

But today, you weren't here to relax, no. You were here to get a lift to Caelum City from either a person or a Pokémon. Either way, it would be necessary for your Pokémon to go into their Poké Balls to save space. A teenage girl with a bulky backpack and five Pokémon in tow would barely fit onto a fisher boat and definitely not onto a Pokémon's back all at once.

Unfortunately, you didn't have much luck asking around for a ride. None of the fishermen sitting on folding chairs on the pier had a Pokémon big enough to carry either of you. They also told you that the fishermen with boats or rideable Pokémon were already out fishing and wouldn't come back until evening, but you didn't want to wait that long. There were no swimmers or other Water-type Trainers in sight either, just a few tourists you didn't want to trouble with your request.

It seemed like you had to turn to a Pokémon for help. Hence, after setting down your backpack, you carefully lifted your five Pokémon, one after the other, onto a slanting boulder that jutted out over the water's edge. This overhanging ledge was about two feet above your head, while the other end only went up to your navel. Then, you climbed the large rock yourself and hauled your backpack up afterwards as well. Standing on the ledge and shielding your eyes against the midday sun, you looked around the inlet, searching for a suitable Pokémon. What you saw were numerous Pokémon, but none that looked like it could carry you to Caelum City.

A school of Magikarp was splashing about in the shallows beneath the pier, creating small waves that sparkled like countless of jewels in the sunlight, so bright you had to squint your eyes. Scattered above the beach were Krabby burrowed in the sand, some only visible due to their pincers sticking out. While a flock of Wingull was resting on a rock protruding from the salty water, their long wings folded, others of their kind glided across the clear blue sky. Tentacool were idling through the water, absorbing sunlight.

In short: Nothing of interest. Not a single Pokémon you could ride on one way or another without getting your clothes and your backpack wet. But you had expected as much and had already prepared yourself for this highly probable case. Finding a ride to Caelum City right off the bat would have been too good to be true anyways.

With a small sigh, you lowered your hand again. There was nothing else you could do now but to wait for either a Pokémon capable of carrying you on its back, a Trainer with such a Pokémon, or a fisherman with a boat to show up at this inlet, which was surely bound to happen sooner or later. At least you hoped so ... You didn't want to think about what you would have to do if you didn't find a way to get to the mainland at all.

Rummaging your backpack for the Pokémon Refresh Kit, you beckoned Faniola to come over to you. She had brawled with a Krabby that had repeatedly tried to pinch your boot-clad feet because you had accidentally stepped on it earlier. Her attempts at scratching the infuriated River Crab Pokémon hadn't had much effect on its strong shell, and the small orange sparks she had spat at her opponent had been extinguished by its Bubble.

Due to the type disadvantage, your Fox Pokémon would have almost lost to the Water-type Pokémon—if it hadn't been for her tearing one of the Krabby's pincers off with her claws, incapacitating the Pokémon. Now she was soaked to the bone, her fur was rumpled, and shallows cuts covered her entire body. Despite all this, she was visibly pleased with herself and her (close) victory over the Krabby.

After you had sat down with your legs crossed near the edge of the boulder's ledge and spread the towel from the Pokémon Refresh Kit over your lap, you patted your thigh. "C'mon, let's clean you up, cutie pie." You motioned Faniola to jump on your lap, and she complied. As soon as you began to gently rub her dry with the towel, she started purring with a look of utter contentment on her face whilst chewing on a twig she had picked up a couple of minutes ago.

In the meantime, Raleia flopped down onto her back next to you, exhaling a theatrically heavy sigh, and looked up into the sky with her tiny hands folded beneath her sky-blue head. "What a bummer! Now we have to sit around and wait for Arceus knows how long!"

"D-Don't be so i-impatient, sister. W-We've only j-just sat down," Rineis said, but his sister either was too busy complaining to notice the slight reproof in his voice, or she simply chose to ignore it.

Amra took a seat next to the shiny Ralts siblings with a mellow smile painted on her face, cradling the Egg case in her arms. She hadn't let go of it ever since you had entrusted it to her. "I'm sure we'll find someone who is willing to bring us to Caelum City soon. We just have to be a little patient."

"Do you need a ride across the water?" a disembodied, male voice suddenly asked—from right beneath you ...?

You heard water splashing and something move beneath the rock overhang your Pokémon and you were sitting on right now. Leaning forward to peer over the ledge, you came face-to-face with a blue head with a short horn in the middle and curled ears emerging from below until it was at eye level with you.

Your jaw dropped like a rock, and you just stared at the male Transport Pokémon. You had looked everywhere for a ride, just not under your very nose—literally. With that blue-, cream-, and grey-coloured body of his, it wasn't surprising that you hadn't spotted him in the shade of the boulder. He had probably been resting there until the six of you had shown up.

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