Leave It All Behind!..

Start from the beginning

I took it laughing a bit not even checking who was

- Hello? - I asked still laughing

- Nick?

I froze and Demi stopped smiling.. Everything rushed back like a wrecking ball.. my brain stopped.. I couldn't move.. I couldn't breathe...

- Olivia?

Demi tensed up and started to get angry.. she violently took my phone and started yelling at her

- Fuck you! Get out of his life! - and she turned it off..

Olivia POV.

- Fuck you! Get out of his life! - I heard a woman say

I felt sad.. I really loved him but I knew that I wouldn't et him back.. I broke him and broke myself too..

Why did I lied in the first place? I should've known that it was a stupid idea.. I was so afraid of losing him that I even made it worse..

The line went of and I cried alone in my room.. I really fucked up..

Nick POV.

I got upstaires in my room with tears in my eyes.. I didn't wanted to walk, or talk.. I layed down on my bed and thought.. I thought about the family I lost.. about the love that I still had for Olivia..

I saw Demi's figure walk in my room.. she stopped in front of me and layed down on her knees with her face infront of mine..

- You have to move on Nick.. You can't cry forever..

I closed my eyes

- Come on!! Where's the badass that I know? Where's the Mr. President? I really can't find him..

I opened my eyes.. I was a bit happy just because she was trying.. at least she was trying to make me smile.. It wasn't working in the outside but on the inside.. I felt a bit better

She sat on the floor with her back on my bed.. - Well.. I'll try my last trick..

A silence came in the room.. I knew she was going to sing because I knew that she knew that I couldn't help but smile whan she did it..

"Got the news today

Doctor said I had to stay

A little bit longer and I'll be fine

When I thought it all been done

When I thought it all been said

A little bit longer and I'll be fine"

I started to smile.. That song ment alot to me..

"But you don't know what you got

Till it's gone

And you don't know what it's like

To feel so low

Every time you smile or laugh

You glow

You don't even know

No, no

You don't even know"

She turned around and I was on a full smile.. she gave me one of her shiny ones and my heart literally melt.. She gave me a kiss in the head...

- Come one!! Get your ass out of that bed!!

- I don't want too.. just.. just more 20 minutes

She took a deep breath and started to walk out of the room..

- Wait.. please.. can you.. just... huh..

- In your arms? Awwh you miss your DemiBear little Nick? - she laughed

Everysingle time I needed confort, she would lay in my arms like a small teddy bear.. I always loved it and I think that she didn't minded too

She walked around the bed and layed down.. I got closer to her and revolved her in my arms.. I missed this..

Demi POV.

Being in Nick's arms this time was diferent from the other times.. this time I had feelings for him.. I felt like I was dating him..


#Fly With Me - Jonas Brothers


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- Alma ^=^

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