Chapter 8.

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My plan for today was to go on a run with Eli since he needed a running partner. Not my idea of an early morning Saturday, but I'll sacrifice if it makes him happy.

I told him I would meet him at the park, so I grabbed my ear buds and my phone and started to jog as a warm up. As usual, he was early.

"Hey you ready to run 6 miles!?" He said in his perky voice.

"I'm ready to go back to sleep." I said monotone.

"Don't be so cranky!" He said pinching my cheeks.

"Don't touch me." I said swatting his hands away. I don't like being touched.

We had only ran for 20 minutes and I was already sweating. I don't like this.

"You want to take a little break?" He suggested.

"No, let's just keep running." I said out of breath. I shoved my ear bud back in. Of course I needed a break, but I didn't want to look like a wimp. I looked down at my shoe lace and saw it was untied, so I stopped.

"My shoe lace is untied, I'll catch up with you." I told Eli.

"Okay but don't get too far behind." He said running.

I sat on the ground for about 5 minutes watching the sun rise higher into the sky. I figured if I get too far behind, Eli would freak out, so I got up and started running again, sadly.

Just as I was about to start running again, I felt a pair of hands tap on my back. I turned around and saw a pair of blue eyes.

"What do you want." I said standing up.

"I just wanted to say hi." He said smiling with his hands in his pockets.

"Well hi." I said turning around.

"Wait!" He said turning my shoulders back around.

"What?" I said irritated.

"Can we um.. Talk for a second?" He scratching the back of his head.

I sighed. I really didn't want to talk to Nash but I REALLY didn't want to run.

"Fine." I said walking towards a near by bench.

"It's really pretty out here in the morning isn't it?" He said looking at the sunrise.

"Nash, as much as I would want to look at the sky I need to catch up with Eli so what did you need to talk to me about?" I said.

Then he spilled. He spilled about social services, Carter leading me on, how he knew Jack was lying. Everything.

I pushed him. "You bastard!" I yelled.

"What?" He said confused.

"Why would you call social services?!" I yelled.

"Because it seemed like the right thing to do." He said.

"I don't think you understand the consequences the happen in my house for stuff like that!" I said.

"I'm-" I cut him off.

"Don't even say you're sorry Nash. If you were sorry, you would have believed me when Jack was lying. Instead you chose to become selfish." I yelled.

"I tried to help you out with your dad. How does that make me selfish?" He said.

"I'm not mad at you for that! I mad at you because you tried to impress your little friends! Let me guess, you tried to lead me on too?" I said.

"No I-" I cut him off again.

"You know what? Just leave me alone Nash. And tell all your friends too." I said running.

"Hadley-" he said.

"I mean it Nash. Stay away." I said running. I never looked back at him. I just kept running on this trail called life.


Yeah the end was a little cheesy. But who's going to see the fault in our stars today? I am! thanks for reading!

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