Chapter Four: Dancing Beneath The Stars❣️

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"Come, My Queen~.". Sombra said as he led her to the seashore. "Sombra, what are you doing?". Chrysalis asked. Sombra then held her hoof and asked, "Do you, know how to dance?". Chrysalis blushed softly, "U-um... not really.". Sombra said, "Well, it's about time you had a 'proper' demonstration~!". As he taught her step by step, Chrysalis wanted to say something important. Then Sombra twirled her in the air as held her, making her smile. As he dipped her, Chrysalis finally mustered just enough courage, "I... I love you. Somby~.". Sombra's eyes widened, then he smiled and said, "I love you too. Chrys~.". Sombra then leaned in and kissed her lips. Chrysalis kissed back almost immediately.

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