Naughty Corner (PART TWO)

Start from the beginning

Sitting right in the chair furthest away, sat none other than a boy with brown hair and a bunny smile.

But like Taehyung, the boy Taehyung had supposed to be Jungkook, also let the happy expression slip from his face.

For Jungkook was infact Mr. Jeon.


"Taehyung are you okay?" Jimin asked after everyone was seated at the table.

Taehyung lifted his gaze from his untouched food. Eyes wide at the question, as if not expecting it.

"O-oh yeah I'm grand!" He reassured, which seemed to be enough for Yoongi and Jimin because they nodded and went back to their discussion.

Taehyung looked away from them just to lock eyes with the boy across from him.

He too looked sort of distant. Yet at the same time very tuned into the situation the other two were oblivious to.

A sharp gaze watched him carefully. Eyes clouded with something Taehyung just couldn't understand, couldn't read.

By the look in the younger's eyes, his body was attentive and observant of the current situation.

That situation being. The two chatting away have no idea the other two know each other.

Should they lie and pretend they don't know each other? Or explain deeply as to how the two do know each other.

That would just end in disaster and they know it.

They both look away from each other. Trying hard to just focus on eating and making small talk to keep anyone from asking questions.

"Taehyung we never got to say this to you yesterday but, happy late birthday." Jimin spoke, while shoving food into his mouth.

Taehyung smiled sadly before looking back at his boss. But the boy avoided his gaze.

"Jungkook you've got a high status at your job right? You told me that you had a new assistant aswell?" Yoongi asked, head in his hand that rested against the table. His plate of food now resonating in his stomach.

"U-um." He physically straightened up. "Yeah I am. And I do have a new assistant."

Taehyung had to hold back a smile because this was his first time seeing Mr.Jeon- Jungkook so uneasy about something.

"That's amazing! What is the assistant like?" Jimin beamed.

As Taehyung's cheeky smile dropped. He looked at Jungkook for a split second before he could even register that he had began speaking again.

"Yeah, he's okay I guess."


"Well, I wouldn't say that." And now all eyes were on Taehyung, furrowed brows causing creases on their heads.

Taehyung caught his breath.

"What I mean is, I know the guy, and he's really not that bad."

"Is that so? He doesn't seem that great to me." Jungkook placed down his knife and fork, eyes squinting at the elder as his hands folded over one another by his face.

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