Broken (20) Happily Together Forever?

Start from the beginning

"Well obviously you do if you are making an issue because I slept with Ash!"

"Do you love him?"

"Why do I have to dignify that with an answer? You're not my boyfriend!"

"And you weren't ever going to be my girlfriend again the day you slept with Ash!"

That knocked me down emotionally. I had just finished my make up and my panda eyes were coming back. My eyes were loading and unloading with tears as I rushed to leave the room. My heart felt heavy with sadness of which I didn't want Trey to see. I knocked on the bathroom door - no response so I ran into the empty bathroom and locked the door.


It wasn't Trey - far from it. It was Calvin.

"Yes bro."

I managed to speak normally but my voice was still shakey.

"Get out of there."

"Why should I?"

"Khayla, its a bathroom. Do I need to explain why?"

"Use the one downstairs."

I heard my bedroom door open. Trey must be leaving without even trying to solve our differences. I knew my brother wouldn't let him pass him without saying nothing but I didn't want to go out there so I just leaned against the door to hear what was said.

"Trey, where you going?"


He said it in an upset tone. He was crying just like I was. Trey doesn't cry often so when he does, it is serious and meaninful to him.

'Why are you crying though?"

"Ask your sister."

I heard footsteps towards the stairs. Trey was going down them I guessed. I blew my chance with both boys. Everything that happened in my love life was my fault and this was no different. There was an silence that I felt was un-natural.



Trey stayed and was there. He didn't leave. The chance that I thought was gone appeared again and my heart fluttered with hope at us getting back together.


"I'm sorry."

I stayed silent and heard Trey take a deep breath. The only noise in my house was that of downstairs and even then it was to set up my party which I wasn't ready for clearly.

"Kha, you know how I feel."

Still silence from me.

"Kha, you know if I could change things, it wouldn't end up like this."

"But you could of. You could of talked to me."

"I know."

"You didn't have to sleep with Dami."

"I know."

"Don't just say 'I know'. Give me answers."

"Let me in. Please."

I got up off the cold floor and turned the door knob. Seeing Trey was like a mirror of myself. He was in emotional agony. He wanted me back. I wanted him back.

"I'm sorry."

"So am I."

He leaned in to me. I accepted the kiss. This wasn't any kiss. This was the 'we are getting back together' kiss. I closed my eyes and let the kiss be taken in. My heart repaired by todays events.

As he let me go, I felt as if I needed to prove this was real.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled the number labelled as "My Baby". He wasn't now. He was a mistake.

Ash picked up straight away as though he was waiting by his phone for what to do.

"Khayla! I was waiting for...."

I intercepted him. I didn't want this to be painful for us both.

"We're over Ash."

"I'm sorry. I can change, you know I can!"

"Ash. I'm sorry."

As I heard his breath inhale as though he was ready to give me a speech, I hung up.

"Baby, you ok?"

"Yeah, never better."

I managed a smile. Really I didn't know how I felt as in the space of not even 2 months, I've hoped from boy to boy. Yet I still want both.

Authors Note: Comments please?

Broken - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now