Chapter 22 - The Written Exam

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I had to report early to a meeting this morning. They explain what each of us would be doing and the many rules we were supposed to remember. There was a bunch of guidelines that I had to memorize. Why did I say yes?

I sit in a room full of Genin. Apparently, I was supposed to keep them all under control, but they seem fine to me, just tense. Suddenly, a shinobi, not much older than me, came up and bows his head slightly. He had brown hair and striking green eyes.

"Princess", he murmurs quietly so only I could hear. Panic starts running through my veins. I find his headband and see the familiar symbol that belonged to the Hidden Crystal.

"So how's the village?" I ask cautiously. I couldn't reveal anything. He could be working for my uncle.

"Your uncle isn't the best leader. He likes using his power against everyone, even the Feudal Lords are terrified. They refuse to help us in any way or strip him of his powers. We're surviving, but struggling. There are many people starving. The Hoshikage refuses to let out many shinobi outside of the village. He chooses the very few who are loyal to him to missions outside. The others do simple and small jobs", he reports, professionally.

I narrow my eyes, "Then why did he send you out? If you aren't loyal to him, why are you here and not in the village?"

"My father is a close ally and loyal to your uncle. He convinced your uncle to allow my team to take the Chunin Exams", he explains.

"How did you know it was me?" I ask, still suspicious, "I barely left the house back then."

"Your hair. Your eyes. The immense chakra. The beauty. I would expect it to be you", he elaborates, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes. A flirty one, isn't he?

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Kobayashi Satomi", he introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, Satomi. Thank you for informing me about the Hidden Crystal. I really do appreciate it, but do me a favor?"

"Anything", Satomi agrees.

I perform a one-handed sign and held out my other hand. This is a jutsu from the Powers of Heaven and Hell. Hell Style: Devil's Deal. Anyone who makes a deal with me must carry out their part throughout the whole jutsu. If they break their rule, they will die instantly or if I break mine, I die. This jutsu could last years without taking any of my chakra.

"Make a deal with me. You are familiar with this jutsu, correct?" I ask quietly.

He nods nervously and grips my hand.

"Here are the terms: Do not tell anyone about our talk, not even your teammates. One day, when the time comes, if I ask for your assistance, you will help if I require it", I explain, "Now, what do you want from me? What is your part of the deal?"

He gulps, "Nothing, Princess."

"Come, now. There must be something you want", I smirk. If he wanted too much, I could always play a little with my words and change the demand. Someone with a sharp ear could probably catch the trick, but many get caught up with the reward to notice.

"When you defeat your uncle, rank me as an Anbu", he finally decides. I smile and nod. This should be simple enough.

"You, Kobayashi Satomi, musn't say a word about this conversation to another being and must help me when I ask for it. I, Nakama Rina, will promote you to Anbu, if you deem worthy", I whisper, sealing the deal. When it is done, I let go of his hand.

"Now, go back to your team before they notice", I murmur, sending him off. He bows his head one last time before leaving.

I sigh when he leaves. What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to defeat my uncle? I know none of his weaknesses. I feel like I know nothing about him.

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