Chapter two:amanda's dinner meeting

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(Amanda p.o.v.)
The world changed when Superman flew across the sky. And it changed again when he didn't. And that is why I'm here. I thought as I walked in the restaurant and sat down across from
Dexter Tolliver. Hello Amanda. We lose a national hero but you sit there looking like the cat that ate the canary. Dexter Tolliver said a few minutes after we had ordered our food it had arrived so we started to eat our dinner.
I've eaten a lot of canaries. It's taken some work. But I finally have them. The worst of the worst. I said as I start to eat my steak. There's rumors, Amanda ...that some of them have abilities. Dexter said The rumors are right. You know what a problem with a metahuman is? The human part. We got lucky with Superman. He shared our values. The next Superman might not. I said as I continue to eat my steak
You're playing with fire, Amanda. Dexter said. I'm fighting fire with fire. I said as take a sip of my wine.
You are not going to pitch us that Task Force X project of yours again, are you? Dexter asked as he to took a sip of his wine. Yes But this time, you're gonna listen. Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot. He is the most wanted hitman in the world...Let's say he has an elite clientele. I said as I showed my file I had with me on the people I had chosen for my x-project.
(Floyd p.o.v.)

What? Angelo asked as he picked up his phone after I had called him

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What? Angelo asked as he picked up his phone after I had called him.
Hey Angelo. This is the exterminator you called for your rat problem. My account's looking a little thin. I said as I sit up on a roof top looking at al the cops cars and what not.
No one gets paid until what needs to get done, gets done. Angelo said
Nope. That's not the rules. No money, No honey. Wow! Here is your boy right now. With about 20 of his new best friends. I'm still seeing zeroes over here, Angie. I said
Listen. Stop being cute and do your job! Angelo said. They're taking him outta the car now. In about 30 seconds, your window is gonna close forever. I said. Okay, Okay, Okay. Relax. There was an accounting error. We sent it. Angelo said as soon as he said that a 1,000,00 dollars had just entered my account. Now double it for being an dickhead. You got 10 seconds. I ordered. We're not the kind of people you play with. Angelo threatened me
Did you threaten me? This dude's gonna get a sore throat. From all the singing he's about to do. I said
You son of a bitch. Angelo just as he had said that my account had just been double to 2,000,00 dollars

 Angelo just as he had said that my account had just been double to 2,000,00 dollars

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My little Suicide Squad adventure ( sequel to the bride of the Joker)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora