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They are locked away

with keys that are lost.

They can change our lives

in only mere seconds.

Once out in the world

they are devoured

and spread around

like the plague.

You watch as your perfect reputation

drips, dripping down the drain.

Your friends, not knowing the damage they are causing,

laugh and spread it to another person.

Everyone knows.

You hope it will go away.

End like a dream,

but you are living in a nightmare.

Night after night

you wake up and remember the reality

and smash your face into your pillow

wanting everything to go away in the wind.

Dragging your feet to school

eyes drawn to the floor

ignoring the passerby's glances.

You just want to disappear.

Then to your horror,

the one person in the whole world,

who you don't want them to know it

comes up to you.

Their brows are knitted together

confusion clouds their head.

Your face is growing a shade redder

and they say to you with such innocence.

"Is it true?"

Tears threaten to spill onto your cheeks,

but you just turn and run.

Running away from them.

Running away from your friends.

Running away from your secret.

Don't tell the secret.

Because words can destroy,

a person's image.

And it might be your's next.

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead." ― Benjamin Franklin

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