00. What's your name, kid?

Start from the beginning

It was the male from before. He had changed into some sweats and a white t-shirt. Unlike the other male, this one had a thin top lip and a thicker bottom lip. His eyes were a dark brown and he was taller than the one cooking. This one had brown hair while the other had blonde.

"Who are you?" She ignored his questions and decided to ask one back.

"Oh yeah! My name is Oh Youngil, and the one cooking is Seo Wonsook." The brown-haired man introduced himself first before pointing to the cook.

She looked at them both before turning back to Youngil as he spoke, "What's your name, kid?"

The girl paused before she grinned.

"Min Soyun!"


Ever since then, Youngil and Wonsook took care of Soyun, making sure she grew up strong. The two males were a couple, an Omega male and an Alpha male. They had always wanted a child, but no matter how hard they had tried, it never worked. So the two took care of Soyun as if she were their own. They soon figured out, after a trip to the doctor, that this girl was an Alpha female.

That terrified Wonsook.

Everyone knew Alpha females were supreme, and having being the lowest of his kind, he felt terrified of the girl. Throughout the time they shared, he tried to get used to her, but there was still something nagging at him, so he could never fully bond with her like Youngil could. Only time could tell what was to happen.

Life went on and soon Soyun was in her twenties.

Youngil was on his deathbed and Wonsook was still terrified. Soyun had learned the ways of the world, but for some reason she was not commanding like an Alpha should have been. Instead, she followed orders like a Beta, or even an Omega. She did not talk back and would always say "Please," and "Thank you." Soyun had grown up to be someone unexpectedly unique, and Wonsook actually felt proud. He knew that he played some part in a major change in the chain. This girl would be special, he knew that.

Youngil passed away.

Wonsook fell ill and had to go to the hospital.

He passed on a month later.

This left Soyun alone in an empty house. She held her head high and did her best not to cry. Grieving would not help, so she decided to suck it up and get a job. A week later, Soyun was still unemployed but not poor. She moaned and groaned, looking online for some type of job she could apply for. Then she got an email. It was from a fashion company, one of the biggest in South Korea.

It was for a modeling position.

And by golly did Soyun take it.

The next thing she knew, there were billboards with her face on them, ads with her modeling in them. She felt important, special even, and once the public found out she was an Alpha, they went crazy. Paparazzi showed up at her doorstep almost every day, fans from all over would stop her on the streets, and once a fan had snuck into her home while she was away.

People loved her, but she hated them.


It was winter, white flurries slowly fell from the sky. A girl was walking down the streets of Seoul, taking in the scenery. She wore a black mask to cover her lower face and a hat to cover her head. A hood was thrown up to cover her from behind and she wore a black turtleneck tucked into a leather skirt. She wore fishnet stockings and high tops. This girl seemed to be hiding, round frames covered her honey brown eyes. She had long black hair, which was waved the slightest bit, in a mid ponytail.

She turned a corner and stopped in front of an alleyway. The sounds of someone grunting came from somewhere in the darkness. Squinting, she could see four girls standing above a male, holding his side as he coughed.

"Look at him, he's hideous." One girl scoffed and landed a hard kick to his side.

"Such a long face, his eyes are so small! It's disgusting!" Another girl grabbed him by his hair and lifted his face from the ground. She spit in his face, making the others laugh.

"How could an Omega be so ugly?" Another one of the girls spoke, talking to the one beside her.

The other one giggled. "Most Omegas are marked by now, why don't you mark him, Chihae?" She nudged the first girl, who grinned and flipped her hair.

She kneeled down next to the male, grinning at him. "This'll only hurt for a second." Grabbing his head, she turned it so his neck was exposed.

The girl from before pulled off her mask and hurried into the alleyway. She quickly shoved past the three and kicked the girl hard in the head. This made the other girls gasp in shock and stand up, having been shoved back from the force. The brown haired girl looked up, blood dripping down the side of her face. A gasp escaped her lips when she saw who had kicked her.

"Min Soyun!" Her voice shook in fear.

"What do you think you're doing? You're a Beta trying to mark an Omega? You all know Beta's don't have the ability to mark, right?" Soyun glared down at her.

The male on the ground stared up at Soyun in amazement. A sudden rush of embarrassment flooded over him and he slowly pulled himself up. The three other girls noticed this but did nothing to stop him. He leaned himself against the wall as the two females stared each other down, one in anger and one in terror.

"I-I didn't know! I swear!" The girl, Chihae, slowly stood up, using the wall for support. She could feel the Alphas' presence and it intimidated her.

"If you think about it, you're no higher up than he is. Omega males and Beta females are on the same level, you know that? Females are just titled as 'more powerful.'" Soyun shoved Chihae out of the alleyway, the three girls from before were long gone. "Think about it for a while before you do something you might regret."

Chihae ran away, disappearing around the corner. Soyun paused for a second before she sighed and turned back to the male. He had beautiful brown eyes, as well as brown hair. His clothes were ripped, his shirt so much that his whole shoulder was exposed. Blood stained the material, making him look worse than he already did. His face caught her attention the most. Everything about it screamed "beautiful." Those girls were idiots if they thought this man was ugly.

She kneeled down in front of him as he backed up a bit, pressing himself further into the brick wall. Her presence was intimidating to him, but he felt the urge to curl up in her embrace and never let go. Her lips parted slightly as she sighed. Then she spoke.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Jung Hoseok."


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