Judging Criteria

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Hi judges! Here are the judging criteria with guiding questions for you

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Hi judges! Here are the judging criteria with guiding questions for you.

Plot: 1-10
(How creative is the plot? Is it original? Is it realistic and down to earth? Does it make enough sense to you?)

Character: 1-10
(Does the character remain the same or changes his/her characteristics and attitude throughout the story? Does the author express the character's feelings, actions, expressions and thoughts well?)

Use of language: 1-10
(Does the author write grammatically correct sentences? Is there a good range of vocabulary?)

Appeal: 1-10
(Does the book make you feel like you are in the story? Do you empathise with the characters in the story?)

Book design: 1-10
(Is the overall book design appealing? Does it catch your eye immediately?)

• Winners of the Special Awards will be chosen based on the scores of the Plot, Appeal and Book Design.

Submit your forms like this:

Judge's username: (e.g. @fluffyyoons)
Category(s): Solo Jungkook
1. Falling for the Opposite of Me
Author: @yoonsnspoons
Plot: 7
Character: 8
Use of language: 7
Appeal: 6
Book design: 5
Comments (if any): gooooooood (Please don't do this lol)

Do the same thing for the rest of the books you are judging.

For those who are judging in the Waves Division, please send your judging results to this email:

For those who are judging in the Sky Division, please send your judging results to this email:

Good luck participants!

SEA BTS AWARDS 2018 [JUDGING]Where stories live. Discover now